70425 |
Terms And Conditions Terms And Conditions Updated (2) |
CyberC |
07/17/2020 8:28:54 PM |
50089 |
Good Day Board I plan to do a follow up Tomorrow (6) |
Elements |
02/27/2019 3:07:21 PM |
50088 |
Cmon, guys... HARAMBEE!!! Lets ROCK this (2) |
Caruso |
02/27/2019 3:06:41 PM |
50087 |
Bo is very versatile -- he deals with Hollywood, |
gimli |
02/27/2019 2:41:07 PM |
50086 |
Any indication this could involve SFOR? Or is |
Chiro2019 |
02/27/2019 2:34:42 PM |
50085 |
Everything is going Blockchain world wide and (2) |
Shilling |
02/27/2019 2:21:50 PM |
50084 |
https://twitter.com/bodietl/status/10985907513389 (1) |
Mrdrifter |
02/27/2019 1:59:06 PM |
50079 |
Nite was on the bid and the ask. I had a bid for (1) |
Kajari69 |
02/27/2019 11:42:20 AM |
50078 |
Thx for the positive update! Sounds promising! :) |
baldeagle1 |
02/27/2019 11:36:44 AM |
50077 |
Token sales update: I obviously don't know |
undervaluedstocks |
02/27/2019 11:32:11 AM |
50075 |
Quote: "the flipping and stacking the ask (1) |
baldeagle1 |
02/27/2019 11:27:08 AM |
50074 |
It is absurd to think, for those with some doubt, (4) |
undervaluedstocks |
02/27/2019 11:22:38 AM |
50073 |
Accumulation continues, but on the low end of the (1) |
baldeagle1 |
02/27/2019 11:16:53 AM |
50072 |
Curious why something like this gets a drawn out |
heartbreakhitman615 |
02/27/2019 11:12:06 AM |
50071 |
Looks like we may have an "extended" lunch hour |
CashStrapped |
02/27/2019 10:59:25 AM |
50070 |
I bought more on Monday. Hope that move pays off. |
CashStrapped |
02/27/2019 10:57:39 AM |
50069 |
Wheels of justice and the court system turn slow (1) |
Pugilista |
02/27/2019 10:52:41 AM |
50067 |
That sounds smart: Following the sequence of an (1) |
riskreward007 |
02/27/2019 10:34:37 AM |
50065 |
One might think it best to exhaust all possible (3) |
CashStrapped |
02/27/2019 10:30:14 AM |
50063 |
Re: SFOR appeal: (2) asking the entire Federal (4) |
riskreward007 |
02/27/2019 10:27:49 AM |
50056 |
option 2 looks like the best bet to me. But we |
Pugilista |
02/27/2019 6:48:14 AM |
50054 |
According to this table chart block 6: (1) |
02/27/2019 4:20:09 AM |
50053 |
Wish the attorneys will do some homework, learn (1) |
dogandcat |
02/27/2019 3:08:17 AM |
50052 |
Great post HL! I totally agree with your (3) |
02/26/2019 10:58:57 PM |
50051 |
The 2/12 quote about ACS deals (Federal vendor) |
4sleddogs |
02/26/2019 10:20:45 PM |
50050 |
Thanks T and Whale 14 days So next week if we |
toxzl2 |
02/26/2019 8:54:34 PM |
50049 |
Full disclosure: I have added. |
undervaluedstocks |
02/26/2019 8:44:06 PM |
50048 |
Schedule for petitions courtesy of WhaleFarmer |
T95 |
02/26/2019 8:32:18 PM |
50047 |
Schedule for petitions courtesy of |
T95 |
02/26/2019 8:30:57 PM |
50046 |
no worries I was able to get the link |
Elements |
02/26/2019 8:28:22 PM |
50045 |
It looks like every 3 months we switch from being (5) |
Fiat123 |
02/26/2019 7:56:27 PM |
50044 |
Deals, Deals, Deals. We want them and remember, (12) |
Hate Liars |
02/26/2019 7:55:57 PM |
50043 |
SFOR will rise stronger this time We are bleeding (2) |
toxzl2 |
02/26/2019 7:45:48 PM |
50042 |
Elements, I sure will but for which post? |
Hate Liars |
02/26/2019 7:27:27 PM |
50041 |
Correct choice: "Remain long & strong SFOR" Those (2) |
baldeagle1 |
02/26/2019 6:43:56 PM |
50039 |
Agree. ""It's revs & deals I am interested it" |
4sleddogs |
02/26/2019 6:12:18 PM |
50034 |
I'm going to start buying soon (as early as (1) |
Optimistic Trader |
02/26/2019 2:50:44 PM |
50032 |
Curv raises $6.5 million for keyless cryptography |
planb |
02/26/2019 12:57:58 PM |
50029 |
Letter sent to both house via Serrano and Sen (2) |
Elements |
02/26/2019 11:25:05 AM |
50025 |
Thank you However This is a group effort of (2) |
Elements |
02/26/2019 9:51:27 AM |
50024 |
https://www.channele2e.com/investors/private-equi |
maronti1 |
02/26/2019 9:50:34 AM |
50023 |
https://bit.ly/2IG2jrE (5) |
zpaul |
02/26/2019 9:48:13 AM |
50022 |
Appreciate your hard work on our behalf! Way to (2) |
CyberJ |
02/26/2019 9:43:11 AM |
50021 |
That would be very helpful. Otherwise its like |
Caruso |
02/26/2019 9:39:18 AM |