78585 |
The current float verified. 221,867,522 as of (17) |
Wharfrat |
10/25/2023 10:24:48 AM |
82656 |
This site and board is all about free speech, as (21) |
Chasing Stars |
04/11/2024 12:20:25 PM |
83122 |
Univec Health "Wraparound" Services: (16) |
Wharfrat |
05/09/2024 9:13:32 AM |
85601 |
Good Morning $UNVC Board Members. Just another (7) |
idig |
12/05/2024 7:57:42 AM |
6099 |
UNVC could open at 35 to 50 cents or higher (4) |
buy4fun |
04/03/2019 3:36:31 PM |
6098 |
Id say we are close tho that bud. Or ATLEAST a |
BudLightyr |
04/03/2019 3:34:58 PM |
6097 |
Yea I dont get why someone would be selling (2) |
BudLightyr |
04/03/2019 3:31:48 PM |
6096 |
Amen to that |
armyseal |
04/03/2019 3:20:24 PM |
6095 |
Yes, I think our small group of strong and long (3) |
mikeyt1818 |
04/03/2019 3:02:00 PM |
6094 |
The float is going to be so so very small when (2) |
buy4fun |
04/03/2019 2:33:28 PM |
6093 |
Dalton will treat them at at his CARF accredited (1) |
mikeyt1818 |
04/03/2019 2:15:36 PM |
6092 |
some stupid dumbass not in the circle just sold |
armyseal |
04/03/2019 1:57:29 PM |
6091 |
Thanks Mikeyt for reposting this, its refreshing |
toodles |
04/03/2019 1:24:05 PM |
6090 |
Not only that the big is rising but every time |
BudLightyr |
04/03/2019 1:17:15 PM |
6089 |
Awesome good job its coming |
armyseal |
04/03/2019 12:27:45 PM |
6088 |
Wrenchman, Thank You for bringing more good new |
Potomac |
04/03/2019 11:33:53 AM |
6087 |
Yes Junebug, this is something new. Goldman is |
Kgem |
04/03/2019 11:23:27 AM |
6086 |
Excellent Wrenchman. This just might be the |
Kgem |
04/03/2019 11:19:11 AM |
6085 |
I think so as well Mikeyt. These men have a long |
Kgem |
04/03/2019 11:14:02 AM |
6084 |
Kgem, I had PM Doc on linkedin and asked him (3) |
junebug |
04/03/2019 11:08:56 AM |
6083 |
Yes THE CIRCLE knows dont we?:-D OH AND LOOK AT (2) |
wrenchman |
04/03/2019 11:08:53 AM |
6082 |
Being invested in people like Dalton, Mitchell |
mikeyt1818 |
04/03/2019 11:02:29 AM |
6081 |
Excellent reminder Mikeyt, and here is another. (1) |
Kgem |
04/03/2019 10:52:52 AM |
6080 |
Reminder of my chat with Dr Dalton: Doctor David (5) |
mikeyt1818 |
04/03/2019 10:33:53 AM |
6079 |
Buy4fun, you make very good points, but you must |
Kgem |
04/03/2019 9:38:33 AM |
6078 |
Very interesting |
armyseal |
04/03/2019 9:08:40 AM |
6077 |
With G-D's help - all will now happen quickly and (2) |
buy4fun |
04/03/2019 12:45:10 AM |
6076 |
I agree with your theory. It makes sense. The (2) |
mikeyt1818 |
04/03/2019 12:31:16 AM |
6075 |
Kgem, are we not proposing that Dr D use Rite Aid (1) |
buy4fun |
04/03/2019 12:01:38 AM |
6074 |
BudLightyr, I think you might be on to something |
Kgem |
04/02/2019 9:36:35 PM |
6073 |
I understand what you are saying BudLightyr, but |
Kgem |
04/02/2019 9:32:10 PM |
6072 |
Or...Doc has VA capabilities...what if. RAD would |
BudLightyr |
04/02/2019 9:15:51 PM |
6071 |
Expedilex would not be over the counter basic CBD |
BudLightyr |
04/02/2019 9:06:36 PM |
6070 |
I like the sound of that and I believe the time (1) |
mikeyt1818 |
04/02/2019 8:54:14 PM |
6069 |
There will be a cannabis (1) |
megarnova |
04/02/2019 8:36:37 PM |
6068 |
Mike, you are absolutely correct. Individual (2) |
Kgem |
04/02/2019 8:11:16 PM |
6067 |
Good points, plus I would assume in states that (1) |
mikeyt1818 |
04/02/2019 7:51:09 PM |
6066 |
Mike, Walgreens and CVS are only offering |
Kgem |
04/02/2019 7:47:03 PM |
6065 |
They need something cutting edge and I believe (1) |
mikeyt1818 |
04/02/2019 7:32:01 PM |
6064 |
I agree BudLightyr, but I am not talking about |
Kgem |
04/02/2019 7:28:31 PM |
6063 |
Id hate to see UNVC go legit but right into a |
BudLightyr |
04/02/2019 7:16:44 PM |
6062 |
BudLightyr, I can see you have some doubts. |
Kgem |
04/02/2019 5:59:34 PM |
6061 |
I too plan to grab more in the next few days. I |
Potomac |
04/02/2019 5:28:05 PM |
6060 |
I missed out... good those are in strong |
jrt03 |
04/02/2019 4:30:15 PM |
6059 |
Thanks to the DD challenged for having no clue (2) |
mikeyt1818 |
04/02/2019 4:06:11 PM |
6058 |
Nice buy! |
Potomac |
04/02/2019 3:14:06 PM |
6057 |
Thank you for the 21s. |
armyseal |
04/02/2019 2:49:28 PM |
6056 |
I honestly have no idea what the major issue is |
BudLightyr |
04/02/2019 1:28:31 PM |
6055 |
I agree. |
Kgem |
04/02/2019 12:16:55 PM |
6054 |
Kgem, I like that idea too. Just the perfect |
junebug |
04/02/2019 12:07:11 PM |
6053 |
Junebug, you are absolutely correct. Rite-Aid |
Kgem |
04/02/2019 12:02:15 PM |
6052 |
Kgem, nice post. JMO, but a RS is not necessarily (2) |
junebug |
04/02/2019 11:28:02 AM |
6051 |
Guys, there are several reasons for Rite-Aid's (2) |
Kgem |
04/02/2019 11:11:05 AM |
6050 |
Take the Rite Aid sign down and put the Harvest |
Potomac |
04/02/2019 11:00:22 AM |