47512 |
Take My Hand For A While c7RkBbXBcNs (1) |
SaltyMutt |
10/23/2020 8:38:20 AM |
47511 |
The End Of Venezuelas Oil Era By Matthew Smith |
SaltyMutt |
10/23/2020 8:26:25 AM |
47510 |
Another Permian Giant May Be Forced To |
SaltyMutt |
10/23/2020 8:10:12 AM |
47509 |
Now that's one hellofva post. (1) |
SaltyMutt |
10/23/2020 8:01:15 AM |
47507 |
Most futures mixed or slight up |
wowhappens28 |
10/23/2020 6:54:49 AM |
47506 |
As I have been saying>>> The Global Takeover Is |
wowhappens28 |
10/23/2020 6:50:44 AM |
47505 |
Is this the FUTURE of CANNABIS 2021? Another One |
Ulf53 |
10/23/2020 6:25:14 AM |
47504 |
If you divide the year 2020 by 666 |
energy_wave |
10/23/2020 1:45:59 AM |
47503 |
Top Biden Searches Tonight: Ban Fracking and |
energy_wave |
10/23/2020 1:43:20 AM |
47502 |
Trump...Here you go, Joe Biden. |
energy_wave |
10/23/2020 1:41:31 AM |
47501 |
New Emails from Bidens Brother Show Barack (1) |
energy_wave |
10/23/2020 1:39:24 AM |
47500 |
SNAP POLL: President Trump Beats China Joe 74% to |
energy_wave |
10/23/2020 1:34:16 AM |
47498 |
Thanks over 38M shares traded with Nasdaq - IDEX (1) |
Goreman |
10/22/2020 11:56:53 PM |
47497 |
Biden, you will do nothing for me if you are (1) |
Steel Reserve |
10/22/2020 11:43:27 PM |
47496 |
Whats up Hawkaluki You know what would cap off (1) |
Shady |
10/22/2020 11:14:29 PM |
47495 |
2020 > > > TRUMP < < < 2020 (2) |
dbergh |
10/22/2020 11:05:36 PM |
47494 |
What I was looking for is the impression of what (1) |
LocWolf |
10/22/2020 10:51:10 PM |
47493 |
Biden put your face mask on and hide in your (4) |
Steel Reserve |
10/22/2020 10:34:35 PM |
47492 |
Biden denies the truth and lies through his (1) |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 10:16:36 PM |
47491 |
Biden stop stuttering and stop calling out the (1) |
Steel Reserve |
10/22/2020 10:00:13 PM |
47490 |
Damn, Trump stop buying into Biden! |
LocWolf |
10/22/2020 9:55:41 PM |
47489 |
Yep and protected by the crooked FBI |
farml1234 |
10/22/2020 9:37:38 PM |
47488 |
Bear Attack, Grizzly Bear Attack, polar Bear (1) |
wowhappens28 |
10/22/2020 9:33:04 PM |
47487 |
5 life-changing reasons to start eating beets |
wowhappens28 |
10/22/2020 9:05:43 PM |
47486 |
Live: Trump, Biden debate in final face-off of |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 8:49:15 PM |
47485 |
Biden Reporting Raises Legal Issues Like Failure |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 8:23:35 PM |
47484 |
No time right now to enjoy your web link and (1) |
LocWolf |
10/22/2020 7:53:38 PM |
47483 |
Now this is hog heaven!!!!!!!!!!!! The Smart Way |
SaltyMutt |
10/22/2020 7:47:37 PM |
47482 |
I haven't had time to read any posts nor any |
LocWolf |
10/22/2020 7:47:18 PM |
47481 |
There was collusion, there were hookers, |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 7:11:25 PM |
47480 |
Trump prepared to bring up China at final |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 7:05:23 PM |
47479 |
People who think Trump has done nothing for |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 7:00:35 PM |
47478 |
The Love/ Black Eyed Peas and Jennifer Hudson leo (1) |
wowhappens28 |
10/22/2020 6:53:48 PM |
47477 |
Trump invites Hunter Biden ex-associate Tony |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 6:46:43 PM |
47476 |
...that is Bill Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell |
LocWolf |
10/22/2020 6:29:20 PM |
47475 |
I'm back in town, what's going on....who needs a |
LocWolf |
10/22/2020 6:20:46 PM |
47474 |
$IDEX, this might be the start of the 3rd leg, (1) |
wowhappens28 |
10/22/2020 5:37:49 PM |
47473 |
No real Democrat could espouse the racist, |
Bhawks |
10/22/2020 5:20:05 PM |
47472 |
Chinese Energy Firm Gives Biden Crime Family $5 |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 4:56:35 PM |
47471 |
CNNs Chris Cuomo Gaslights Viewers with Lie |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 4:55:48 PM |
47470 |
Flight from the Cities: Existing Home Sales Jump |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 4:53:33 PM |
47469 |
The Deposition of Jeffrey Epsteins Alleged |
energy_wave |
10/22/2020 4:52:19 PM |
47468 |
$SABR News Article - Why Shares of Sabre Are |
whytestocks |
10/22/2020 4:25:46 PM |
47467 |
hawks, I agree. He is an actor and a Democrat his |
wowhappens28 |
10/22/2020 3:48:02 PM |
47466 |
Really? Then it should be easy for you to find |
Bhawks |
10/22/2020 3:44:18 PM |
47465 |
The Pogues - A Rainy Night In Soho (1) |
wowhappens28 |
10/22/2020 3:24:04 PM |
47464 |
NEWS - $IDEX - Ideanomics Enters US EV Market |
Goreman |
10/22/2020 3:23:10 PM |
47463 |
Layers upon layers of "Fake News". My mamma told |
wowhappens28 |
10/22/2020 3:16:59 PM |