72680 |
Response from CBD Life is that all of their (14) |
BigOH |
01/13/2023 2:58:29 PM |
72992 |
Rockys 9-month recap: June 14 2022- Rocky (14) |
Dhubis |
03/11/2023 8:41:04 AM |
73243 |
FYI - ATTY Letter from 04/27/23 (10) |
bjd |
04/28/2023 11:26:19 AM |
73505 |
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android ----- Forwarded (7) |
little lou |
06/16/2023 12:14:13 AM |
49895 |
Now is when us true longs whip out our balls of (8) |
awesomeness |
11/20/2018 6:39:19 PM |
49894 |
I am still standing (1) |
Ericwt |
11/20/2018 5:56:08 PM |
49893 |
I guessed wrong. Can't really buy and sell stocks (7) |
patches |
11/20/2018 4:44:43 PM |
49892 |
I BELIEVE Soooo strongly in this company that (11) |
liquidmoney |
11/20/2018 3:34:03 PM |
49891 |
RCH Grupo is a massive company and only enters (15) |
robinsonst1 |
11/20/2018 3:18:38 PM |
49890 |
Amen! The waiting game sucks but it Will be worth (6) |
11/20/2018 2:03:18 PM |
49888 |
MEXICO IS AROUND THE CORNER - Wait and see before (10) |
cute1265 |
11/20/2018 2:01:15 PM |
49886 |
Rolodex...mmmmm...our CLIENT....Rolodex is (15) |
Elshaman |
11/20/2018 1:31:15 PM |
49883 |
Would be great to get a podcast this week,I think (2) |
Jack7777 |
11/20/2018 1:03:50 PM |
49882 |
I don't think we have any idea what RMHB will (1) |
biggestjimmy |
11/20/2018 12:54:13 PM |
49881 |
Big deals pending !! Dont panic and let others (13) |
Jack7777 |
11/20/2018 12:53:00 PM |
49880 |
Would anybody have an estimation on how much rmhb |
Kush |
11/20/2018 12:46:56 PM |
49877 |
People are complaining about the lack of (8) |
biggestjimmy |
11/20/2018 12:12:59 PM |
49875 |
We are FAR from "rudderless" folks. The changes (18) |
adirondackhi |
11/20/2018 11:54:29 AM |
49872 |
just put in my last dime, with a tear in my eye (14) |
drh |
11/20/2018 11:27:18 AM |
49870 |
100 thousand shares of RMHB for $800 (5) |
biggestjimmy |
11/20/2018 11:06:53 AM |
49868 |
I have never been to group therapy,but I imagine (11) |
prtrdr |
11/20/2018 10:54:38 AM |
49867 |
My G.F. bought a case of Mango Energy from Amazon (2) |
Corvette |
11/20/2018 10:50:17 AM |
49865 |
Correction big buyinyg opportunity (4) |
Kush |
11/20/2018 10:29:19 AM |
49864 |
Wow what a burying (3) |
Kush |
11/20/2018 10:27:13 AM |
49863 |
I wish you were right about the not huge selling |
jettyjams |
11/20/2018 10:21:37 AM |
49862 |
Concur, I feel bad for anyone that is selling at (13) |
robinsonst1 |
11/20/2018 10:17:47 AM |
49860 |
The report is a bit discouraging, but not (7) |
AsYouWere |
11/20/2018 9:58:54 AM |
49858 |
This quarter was far better than the quarter last (6) |
Thczinvestor18 |
11/20/2018 8:53:14 AM |
49857 |
I just hope they do some advertising. I've been (1) |
Zobella |
11/20/2018 8:07:51 AM |
49856 |
Remember hempd water was released last week of (11) |
Kush |
11/20/2018 7:57:43 AM |
49855 |
Here is the bottom line for me: (7) |
robinsonst1 |
11/20/2018 7:55:56 AM |
49854 |
Today is the day wealth is either made or lost in (18) |
BobRomo |
11/20/2018 7:35:16 AM |
49853 |
If whoever wants to sell based on those numbers (8) |
marines |
11/20/2018 7:30:34 AM |
49852 |
I agree Jetty, totally bummed by the financials. (4) |
jester |
11/20/2018 6:44:23 AM |
49851 |
Just last week when Aurora MJ was about to (7) |
patches |
11/20/2018 5:49:58 AM |
49850 |
Great Post, focus on the future of this company (7) |
jcr53 |
11/20/2018 2:42:00 AM |
49849 |
NEWS FLASH... My Focus is our purchase orders (17) |
Elshaman |
11/20/2018 1:44:10 AM |
49848 |
From 10Q for 3Q18 "On October 31, 2018, the (1) |
j75204 |
11/20/2018 1:03:57 AM |
49847 |
Great Post Quinn! You should pin it to the top! (4) |
robinsonst1 |
11/20/2018 12:31:30 AM |
49846 |
Every one here knows what is coming and the past (10) |
mighty quinn |
11/19/2018 11:34:52 PM |
49844 |
It's all in the eye of the beholder I think these (15) |
mighty quinn |
11/19/2018 11:01:05 PM |
49840 |
Wow, I did't expect these numbers especially when (4) |
jettyjams |
11/19/2018 10:46:31 PM |
49839 |
Eric, Listen to podcast 13 there is talk in there (6) |
biggestjimmy |
11/19/2018 10:46:18 PM |
49838 |
Sales are up 50% from prior quarter. So that is (9) |
Ericwt |
11/19/2018 10:40:33 PM |
49837 |
It looks like sales are tepid, but there has been (3) |
Wodebucos |
11/19/2018 9:46:48 PM |
49836 |
Wouldn't bother, me, would give me an awesome (2) |
Billman |
11/19/2018 9:11:23 PM |
49834 |
RMHB sales for this quarter $117,117 the same (9) |
biggestjimmy |
11/19/2018 6:41:11 PM |
49833 |
117,000 is way below what I hoped (1) |
Ericwt |
11/19/2018 6:40:58 PM |
49830 |
https://seekingalpha.com/filing/4244420 |
biggestjimmy |
11/19/2018 6:22:53 PM |
49829 |
Your link doesn't work.. is there some good |
NAD32 |
11/19/2018 6:17:11 PM |
49828 |
RMHB Financials are out. (3) |
biggestjimmy |
11/19/2018 6:06:31 PM |
49826 |
Heres my thinking outside the box for a (6) |
Sam365 |
11/19/2018 5:29:35 PM |
49823 |
There is a lot of talk on here about CJC live. I (13) |
robinsonst1 |
11/19/2018 2:02:15 PM |
49822 |
Could not have said it better myself bud. I get (8) |
Jacked85 |
11/19/2018 1:32:56 PM |