53950 |
A reminder for those who have short memories. The (3) |
Lmcat |
12/05/2018 11:39:14 PM |
59730 |
Attention All Posters: I think it's time everyone (7) |
Chasing Stars |
02/01/2019 3:03:04 PM |
29720 |
Obama PIECE of SHIT won't be in the Whitehouse |
01/17/2017 4:42:09 PM |
29719 |
And by March or April, at the latest, you'll be |
Bhawks |
01/17/2017 4:40:30 PM |
29718 |
You guys and your imaginary 'boots'. Man, you |
Bhawks |
01/17/2017 4:38:45 PM |
29717 |
To be honest, Friday cant come fast enough |
dbergh |
01/17/2017 4:35:54 PM |
29716 |
LOL! Enjoy your 'wet dream' limerick while you |
Bhawks |
01/17/2017 4:07:42 PM |
29715 |
The entire GOP 'Fairy Dust' package of tax cuts, (1) |
Bhawks |
01/17/2017 4:02:35 PM |
29714 |
Cite one example, not including satires or |
Bhawks |
01/17/2017 3:57:37 PM |
29713 |
TARP passage and the Bush 'bridge loans' to the |
Bhawks |
01/17/2017 3:51:20 PM |
29712 |
Bush Counting Down Days Until He Is No Longer |
Bhawks |
01/17/2017 3:42:19 PM |
29711 |
3 days before America will start to become great (2) |
01/17/2017 11:30:51 AM |
29710 |
3 days till Obama gets DA BOOT !! VERY NICE !! (2) |
01/17/2017 11:29:54 AM |
29709 |
Ryan and Trump set for Medicare showdown House (1) |
fitzkarz |
01/17/2017 8:28:29 AM |
29708 |
Chinas Xi Defends Globalization in Davos |
PoemStone |
01/17/2017 8:25:02 AM |
29707 |
Twas the night before Inauguration, and up in the (2) |
SaltyMutt |
01/17/2017 8:21:50 AM |
29706 |
The politics in the intelligence agencies have |
PoemStone |
01/17/2017 8:10:16 AM |
29705 |
The left cares about nothing and no one except |
PoemStone |
01/17/2017 8:07:40 AM |
29704 |
The left dems are not a part of America right |
PoemStone |
01/17/2017 8:05:59 AM |
29703 |
The guy is definitely a globalist. He has |
PoemStone |
01/17/2017 8:02:00 AM |
29702 |
Ex-Black Panther: John Lewis 'Presided Over |
PoemStone |
01/17/2017 7:59:34 AM |
29701 |
Morning Mood Music _HjX4iRTLMU I think you old |
SaltyMutt |
01/17/2017 7:28:28 AM |
29700 |
There you go again with we all are ignorant. You |
PoemStone |
01/17/2017 5:13:04 AM |
29699 |
I see lefty's dumb porn post has been deleted. |
PoemStone |
01/17/2017 5:10:33 AM |
29698 |
I am a little perplexed. Duty free and taxes |
Shady |
01/17/2017 4:31:45 AM |
29697 |
I have seen the fake news you use to support your |
Shady |
01/17/2017 4:27:28 AM |
29696 |
Of course.........: OK, my point is that NO |
01/17/2017 1:31:37 AM |
29695 |
OK, my point is that NO president could afford to (1) |
Bhawks |
01/17/2017 1:23:24 AM |
29694 |
?????????.. He is a War Hawk! He's just a few |
01/17/2017 1:11:44 AM |
29693 |
The question still stands. But let me rephrase |
Bhawks |
01/17/2017 12:48:21 AM |
29692 |
So..."Globalist taxation"...is bad? Do you |
01/17/2017 12:45:53 AM |
29691 |
Well.....I know what is ......so with regards to |
01/17/2017 12:38:34 AM |
29690 |
Kind of non-rebuttal, evidence free response I |
Bhawks |
01/17/2017 12:33:17 AM |
29689 |
Ha!...very good my friend....though I would say |
01/17/2017 12:27:05 AM |
29688 |
Yes...it's really bad.......but do not put that (1) |
01/17/2017 12:24:55 AM |
29687 |
Those individuals were not affected by the |
01/17/2017 12:18:20 AM |
29686 |
GOP Doesn't Want Public To Know How Much (1) |
fitzkarz |
01/17/2017 12:10:09 AM |
29685 |
Pshhh. That was a total waste of time. Keep (1) |
goarmy123 |
01/16/2017 11:55:52 PM |
29684 |
JPL is NOT in conflict with Climate Change |
Bhawks |
01/16/2017 11:52:53 PM |
29683 |
Omg. Let me spoon feed you credible sources. |
goarmy123 |
01/16/2017 11:41:23 PM |
29682 |
THE most absurd part of this piece? Not the (1) |
Bhawks |
01/16/2017 11:33:44 PM |
29681 |
What a cat thinks about just before the jump (1) |
Bhawks |
01/16/2017 11:23:29 PM |
29680 |
Wow, Anonymous Finally Breaks Their Silence, Just |
fitzkarz |
01/16/2017 11:23:26 PM |
29679 |
Yeah, that'll happen during and in the aftermath (1) |
Bhawks |
01/16/2017 11:09:40 PM |
29678 |
Date research was conducted: September 2, 2016 |
john1234 |
01/16/2017 10:58:46 PM |
29677 |
What exactly is it that you apparently want 'let (1) |
Bhawks |
01/16/2017 10:47:31 PM |
29676 |
Nah, I'm just saying that your arguments are too |
Bhawks |
01/16/2017 10:42:43 PM |
29675 |
Welfare jumps 32% during Obamas presidency (3) |
dbergh |
01/16/2017 10:27:37 PM |
29674 |
Brexiteers cheer on Donald Trump for promising |
john1234 |
01/16/2017 10:14:39 PM |
29673 |
Ophra is a has been and the Whole story is a lie. (1) |
dbergh |
01/16/2017 10:01:11 PM |
29672 |
new topic here Michelle Obama is quietly planning |
john1234 |
01/16/2017 9:07:34 PM |
29671 |
So Khalid is the fall guy, kinda like Oswald. |
Shady |
01/16/2017 8:58:36 PM |