84457 |
It's time this board gets back on topic which is (37) |
IH Admin |
10/20/2017 6:06:58 PM |
91008 |
Bashers/ shorts are really trying hard to lower (3) |
Felix |
07/05/2018 2:21:01 PM |
92054 |
Everything is in order as I typed this as the (17) |
aaweibe |
11/29/2018 4:51:23 PM |
67871 |
I too have been disappointed that pps has fallen |
Disco Bob |
10/06/2016 10:09:21 PM |
67870 |
Dude, makes no sense at all to what you are |
Addiction2money |
10/06/2016 9:38:10 PM |
67869 |
I would use the term "laughing all the way to the |
wer123 |
10/06/2016 9:01:24 PM |
67868 |
Alan, yes it could be manipulation but what is |
Addiction2money |
10/06/2016 8:53:43 PM |
67867 |
If these guys fail they will have this held over (3) |
Addiction2money |
10/06/2016 8:50:05 PM |
67866 |
Should we keep buying all the way to zero Alan? (1) |
garysbest |
10/06/2016 8:40:16 PM |
67864 |
Alan I am in total agreement there has been an (5) |
dennyd |
10/06/2016 8:18:46 PM |
67863 |
Denny: I wiish you would read my post to you (4) |
AlanC |
10/06/2016 7:59:45 PM |
67862 |
The shares are being bought and sold by the MM's (2) |
JustChillin |
10/06/2016 7:33:27 PM |
67861 |
Alan in reply to your post I'm sorry but I do not (9) |
dennyd |
10/06/2016 7:31:15 PM |
67860 |
sounds like a good time to buy |
BigHank |
10/06/2016 7:14:47 PM |
67859 |
52 week low means 4 year low. |
kbulldog |
10/06/2016 7:11:54 PM |
67858 |
27M dumped means 27M shares bought |
BigHank |
10/06/2016 7:07:00 PM |
67857 |
"Hi, Mr. Market Maker? This is NTEK and I have a (4) |
kbulldog |
10/06/2016 6:59:50 PM |
67856 |
FINRA short sales of NTEK |
AlanC |
10/06/2016 6:56:05 PM |
67855 |
Shares were bought ... Over 13% of the Float ... (3) |
lajet |
10/06/2016 6:47:59 PM |
67854 |
Ultraflix mentioned. For streaming services like (1) |
DrizzleD |
10/06/2016 6:30:26 PM |
67853 |
I don't know if I would classify diluting as |
kbulldog |
10/06/2016 6:18:37 PM |
67852 |
Relax so he used the word downloading instead of (1) |
BigHank |
10/06/2016 6:02:17 PM |
67851 |
This is a shitty and incorrect quote. Read it (1) |
Atlas1 |
10/06/2016 5:55:08 PM |
67850 |
Over 13% of the Float traded in just the last 3 (2) |
lajet |
10/06/2016 5:43:58 PM |
67849 |
Once the dilution is over this thing runs hard. (1) |
BigHank |
10/06/2016 5:24:14 PM |
67848 |
T-trade 810,000 Significant (2) |
Mexico10 |
10/06/2016 5:20:37 PM |
67847 |
"For streaming services like Netflix, YouTube, (7) |
BigHank |
10/06/2016 5:13:28 PM |
67846 |
Quick question how long before NTEK can R/S (1) |
big tod |
10/06/2016 4:55:38 PM |
67845 |
Price. Scary how much I am |
Mexico10 |
10/06/2016 4:27:25 PM |
67844 |
Just being ignored Big Hank. Alot has gone on |
cpd7863 |
10/06/2016 4:27:22 PM |
67843 |
tinytoes51 |
10/06/2016 4:25:38 PM |
67842 |
Are people more pissed at the price or lack of (1) |
BigHank |
10/06/2016 4:23:16 PM |
67841 |
misread sorry |
Taber |
10/06/2016 4:18:17 PM |
67839 |
Since you apparently think differently than I do (6) |
AlanC |
10/06/2016 3:29:11 PM |
67838 |
I think the 70 million projection was based on (1) |
Disco Bob |
10/06/2016 3:07:15 PM |
67837 |
Things are not as bad as some people are (12) |
dennyd |
10/06/2016 2:51:58 PM |
67836 |
Heard Disney is looking to acquire a streaming (4) |
BigHank |
10/06/2016 2:47:37 PM |
67835 |
Interesting though, the NTEK "Board Marks" here (3) |
lajet |
10/06/2016 2:31:24 PM |
67834 |
It's amazing how the Corrupt LIEHub board DOES (2) |
lajet |
10/06/2016 2:29:14 PM |
67833 |
TAking over some tomorrow |
Dakota111 |
10/06/2016 2:22:13 PM |
67832 |
Pros: NTEK is ready for 4k to take off Cons: 4k (2) |
BigHank |
10/06/2016 2:20:20 PM |
67831 |
this is hostile takeover |
BigHank |
10/06/2016 2:18:40 PM |
67830 |
The last time we were at this level I had over (4) |
Ndazone |
10/06/2016 2:17:38 PM |
67829 |
Ah...wow, I just puked all over myself... maybe I (1) |
Stratocaster |
10/06/2016 2:13:11 PM |
67828 |
I think your absolutely correct Fuja. They are |
mikemc1001 |
10/06/2016 1:46:21 PM |
67826 |
Invest in the What, not the |
BigHank |
10/06/2016 1:41:01 PM |
67824 |
Good points Fuja. |
Mexico10 |
10/06/2016 1:34:14 PM |
67823 |
Tiny that 70 mil was a projection in my view a (11) |
fuja21 |
10/06/2016 1:29:24 PM |
67822 |
Again, That's why I stated the obvious of missing (1) |
tinytoes51 |
10/06/2016 1:21:08 PM |
67821 |
The only heads or tails I can make out of this is (3) |
Zattnt |
10/06/2016 1:11:10 PM |
67820 |
tinytoes- The $70M revenue is a pretty important (3) |
kbulldog |
10/06/2016 1:05:08 PM |
67818 |
Well, Austin ... why are you back, then? ... (1) |
lajet |
10/06/2016 1:00:06 PM |
67816 |
LOLOL ... Mr. Dishonest agenda himself, The (2) |
lajet |
10/06/2016 12:56:42 PM |