287 |
Rumblings and backroom conversations seem to (1) |
muscleshoals |
12/19/2016 11:37:49 AM |
286 |
Hi, Muscleshoals. Well said, and your post is (1) |
alj14 |
12/18/2016 6:41:11 AM |
285 |
Loppert response to SEC ligitation due Thursday. (1) |
TKane |
12/12/2016 4:42:27 PM |
284 |
The district court decisions will be forthcoming (1) |
TKane |
12/07/2016 12:48:37 PM |
283 |
I also am looking for a PR as well in January... (1) |
muscleshoals |
12/07/2016 10:57:20 AM |
282 |
Expecting PR out on/after Jan. 3, 2017. An (1) |
TKane |
12/06/2016 11:31:02 AM |
281 |
As you point out correctly, Muscleshoals, what (1) |
alj14 |
12/04/2016 5:32:14 PM |
280 |
Thanks for posting that, Vitamix8173. I am |
alj14 |
12/04/2016 5:26:22 PM |
279 |
Thanks...I saw his post a few days ago...and you (2) |
muscleshoals |
12/02/2016 11:55:29 AM |
278 |
Looks like an (un)wanted list. Gilded promises (1) |
TKane |
12/01/2016 8:55:53 PM |
277 |
This is an interesting link: (1) |
vitamix8173 |
12/01/2016 7:06:54 PM |
276 |
"in the next few weeks" again? Oh, how original! (2) |
TKane |
12/01/2016 4:28:08 PM |
275 |
Bill Delgado did go ahead and post on facebook |
vitamix8173 |
12/01/2016 3:17:04 PM |
274 |
Like you said, it is what it is. The only problem (2) |
vitamix8173 |
11/30/2016 12:10:53 PM |
273 |
Doing the same. Happy holidays, muscleshoals. (1) |
TKane |
11/28/2016 12:04:08 PM |
272 |
As us seasoned traders already know.....TIS THE (2) |
muscleshoals |
11/28/2016 11:33:32 AM |
271 |
Preach it, muscleshoals. "When are CEO's...or the (1) |
TKane |
11/28/2016 7:31:10 AM |
270 |
Twiddle de deeee...Twiddle de dum... Guess we (1) |
muscleshoals |
11/16/2016 7:20:19 PM |
269 |
WELL.......... Another week of no GDSI news..... (1) |
TKane |
10/24/2016 11:27:07 AM |
268 |
WELL.......... After another week of (2) |
muscleshoals |
10/16/2016 12:28:02 PM |
267 |
Agreed V-dude. Welcome to the annual GDSI boil. (1) |
TKane |
10/12/2016 7:13:40 AM |
266 |
No TKane..I am NOT confused as you are...and my (1) |
muscleshoals |
10/11/2016 6:52:29 PM |
265 |
Thanks amigo. good to be here. (1) |
vitamix8173 |
10/11/2016 6:45:02 PM |
264 |
Yup. "You must be confused...but I see that a lot (1) |
TKane |
10/11/2016 6:32:53 PM |
263 |
Seems that speculation is increasing.... Where is (2) |
muscleshoals |
10/11/2016 5:40:04 PM |
262 |
GDSI has been a good trading vehicle for over a (1) |
muscleshoals |
10/11/2016 1:32:41 PM |
260 |
Welcome vitamix8173.. Always good to see a new (1) |
muscleshoals |
10/11/2016 12:28:43 PM |
259 |
Absolutely just another pinky play where seasoned (1) |
muscleshoals |
10/11/2016 11:46:03 AM |
258 |
Maybe by GDSI's SPSA 10/13/15 anniversary. (1) |
TKane |
10/10/2016 10:26:00 PM |
257 |
Therein lies the rub. Despite that there are news (2) |
vitamix8173 |
10/10/2016 8:46:26 PM |
256 |
Agreed. GDSI should eventually say something. It (1) |
TKane |
10/10/2016 7:09:17 PM |
255 |
I did send a new post on the GDSI facebook page (2) |
vitamix8173 |
10/10/2016 7:03:50 PM |
254 |
Yup. GDSI shill posts are just so entertaining. (1) |
TKane |
10/10/2016 5:42:09 PM |
253 |
One thing you will NEVER hear from Shoals is (1) |
muscleshoals |
10/10/2016 3:12:12 PM |
252 |
Why does anyone PLAY OTC stocks? Is it because (1) |
muscleshoals |
10/10/2016 2:28:48 PM |
251 |
Well, to each his own. Same here with trading. (1) |
TKane |
10/10/2016 2:14:46 PM |
250 |
Unlike most folks ....I have been around long (2) |
muscleshoals |
10/10/2016 2:00:33 PM |
249 |
Yup. Not a lot of "real proper filings" from GDSI (1) |
TKane |
10/09/2016 8:43:25 PM |
248 |
I personally don't put a lot of "interest" in (3) |
muscleshoals |
10/09/2016 11:28:37 AM |
247 |
Yup muscleshoals. Strap on your trading seatbelt. (1) |
TKane |
10/08/2016 7:00:35 PM |
246 |
IS THIS THE WEEK? I have a funny feeling about (1) |
muscleshoals |
10/08/2016 1:40:39 PM |
245 |
Multiple millions hitting from a "ready to exit" (1) |
muscleshoals |
10/03/2016 12:36:29 PM |
244 |
Agreed, muscles, that person won't "crash the (1) |
TKane |
10/03/2016 9:25:06 AM |
243 |
Looks like a major share holder is about to start |
muscleshoals |
10/02/2016 8:08:36 PM |
242 |
When are CEO's...or the powers behind the (1) |
muscleshoals |
10/01/2016 11:35:02 AM |
241 |
LOL... Yea I like shrimpers toooo... I am (1) |
muscleshoals |
09/30/2016 2:25:01 PM |
240 |
They could at least be serving up some shrimp. (1) |
TKane |
09/30/2016 2:17:12 PM |
239 |
WHERE'S THE BEEF? Is it prime rib...porter (1) |
muscleshoals |
09/30/2016 10:55:38 AM |
238 |
Rontan news tonight/tomorrow, then GDSI news (1) |
TKane |
09/29/2016 3:59:55 PM |
237 |
Late today.....or tomorrow the 30th.....NEWS is (1) |
muscleshoals |
09/29/2016 11:08:05 AM |