23053 |
My contribution to the SEC below. Thanks Skipper (6) |
homerbedloe |
11/06/2020 10:08:17 AM |
23052 |
Pray if you want Cab as long as you get in the (3) |
Southbill |
11/06/2020 10:02:54 AM |
23051 |
I have raised this question before but here goes |
Pokey123 |
11/06/2020 9:56:56 AM |
23050 |
Maybe if enough people filed SEC complaints with (3) |
Southbill |
11/06/2020 9:56:06 AM |
23049 |
Thank you Joe, I will do the same too. I pray |
Cab408 |
11/06/2020 9:54:13 AM |
23048 |
No doubt...I took at 100k at ask this (1) |
pacsurg21 |
11/06/2020 9:52:32 AM |
23047 |
Love that the Swine flu vaccine is a wheelhouse |
pacsurg21 |
11/06/2020 9:51:19 AM |
23046 |
Just took 25k out of their 30k ask @19.70 and now (3) |
Southbill |
11/06/2020 9:49:21 AM |
23045 |
I was in a hurry and missed some of the statement (1) |
docj |
11/06/2020 7:32:23 AM |
23044 |
I didn't see that quote, doc, but that was the (2) |
hoops |
11/06/2020 6:29:57 AM |
23043 |
Looking forward to when it is OUR time for |
Retirement2 |
11/06/2020 1:50:21 AM |
23042 |
https://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news (2) |
Paul Jackson |
11/06/2020 1:33:49 AM |
23041 |
Thank you so much! (2) |
11/05/2020 10:41:28 PM |
23040 |
Thank you, I am very very proud of you and thank (2) |
11/05/2020 10:39:36 PM |
23039 |
I filed a complaint to the SEC as well. Here is (6) |
skipper1072 |
11/05/2020 9:23:36 PM |
23038 |
Paul Jackson |
11/05/2020 8:42:15 PM |
23037 |
Sorry, don't know the answer to your question |
DJknows |
11/05/2020 8:08:59 PM |
23036 |
"... think we do not know before anyone else, |
docj |
11/05/2020 8:08:56 PM |
23035 |
for what its worth I filed complaint with SEC (9) |
Southbill |
11/05/2020 7:56:57 PM |
23034 |
BTW - does anyone know why Sinopharm is not |
Paul Jackson |
11/05/2020 6:33:40 PM |
23033 |
Hi Cody - Here are the relevant sections from the (1) |
Paul Jackson |
11/05/2020 5:55:41 PM |
23032 |
is Olaregen part of the China deal? Or is is only |
Cody760 |
11/05/2020 5:24:14 PM |
23031 |
All, here is my question. With the Chinese (1) |
hylander |
11/05/2020 4:50:40 PM |
23030 |
https://www.foxnews.com/health/rare-strain-swine- |
hoops |
11/05/2020 4:26:56 PM |
23029 |
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over (5) |
Vrsi |
11/05/2020 2:28:38 PM |
23028 |
Let it stay right where it is...planning to buy (1) |
Cody760 |
11/05/2020 1:58:00 PM |
23027 |
Well, someone did a lot of selling and buying |
hylander |
11/05/2020 1:36:58 PM |
23026 |
Hey Paul, I'll try and dig up the letter later I (6) |
docj |
11/05/2020 1:22:48 PM |
23025 |
8k is out |
vstar21 |
11/05/2020 1:20:57 PM |
23024 |
Got an email notification from NGIO about the |
docj |
11/05/2020 1:08:58 PM |
23023 |
Item 8.01 Other Events. On October 30, 2020, (4) |
docj |
11/05/2020 12:37:45 PM |
23022 |
I don't want to bring politics/lobbyists into |
Retirement2 |
11/05/2020 12:16:45 PM |
23021 |
Maybe they can take over |
Retirement2 |
11/05/2020 11:32:00 AM |
23020 |
The thing that really caught my eyes in (1) |
Retirement2 |
11/05/2020 11:27:57 AM |
23019 |
Bintai Kinden Corps partner Generex (1) |
Paul Jackson |
11/05/2020 10:53:51 AM |
23018 |
What are the chances that Bintai will take over |
rvbpk |
11/05/2020 9:38:55 AM |
23017 |
This is a cool snapshot from the investor (2) |
docj |
11/05/2020 9:28:29 AM |
23016 |
thanks...second time was a |
Cody760 |
11/05/2020 8:59:03 AM |
23015 |
I just tried and was able to do it, although I (1) |
LaundryMoney |
11/05/2020 8:56:35 AM |
23014 |
this may have already been noted but I tried to |
Cody760 |
11/05/2020 8:37:26 AM |
23013 |
Yes. The usual generic reply. I suggest others |
docj |
11/05/2020 6:33:55 AM |
23012 |
https://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news (2) |
Paul Jackson |
11/05/2020 3:12:57 AM |
23011 |
https://www.bioworld.com/articles/499786-other-ne (2) |
Paul Jackson |
11/05/2020 2:18:49 AM |
23010 |
http://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/bintai-kind (2) |
Paul Jackson |
11/05/2020 2:17:10 AM |
23009 |
Hi DocJ, Thanks for reaching out to Joe and (1) |
Paul Jackson |
11/04/2020 8:25:48 PM |
23008 |
I would also be interested in where these many (1) |
SamRogers |
11/04/2020 4:27:51 PM |
23007 |
Not even series A? Where did the 15 million share |
AlbertD |
11/04/2020 3:11:39 PM |
23006 |
Joe says he has not put out any shares to Anson (1) |
docj |
11/04/2020 3:10:29 PM |
23005 |
That could be why they are selling. Maybe |
tc2000chartreader |
11/04/2020 2:04:10 PM |
23004 |
Right, someone is converting shares and selling (1) |
tc2000chartreader |
11/04/2020 2:02:11 PM |