The Fumi-Analyzer is the first mobile device which is able to detect and to identify all relevant fumigation gasses and a large mummer of other toxic gases

The IMS-Analyzer is a multi-gas analyzer as Ion Mobility Spectrometer (IMS) with a high sensitivity in the lower ppb-range and high resolution. With this trace-gas analyzer toxic gases can be detected and identified without any enrichment directly in situ already at very low concentration levels.
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in ion exchange resin production. CMME is classified as particularly dangerous carcinogenic substance under the Hazardous Substances Ordinance and may be produced or used only in closed systems
Ammonia impurities detector in Ethylene or Propylene fluid systems

Portable Marijuana detector for law enforcement and industry
Share Structure
Market Value1 $2,242,138 a/o Jul 24, 2015
Authorized Shares 300,000,000 a/o Mar 29, 2012
Outstanding Shares 44,842,758 a/o Sep 23, 2013
Float 3,500,000 a/o Mar 29, 2012
It is believed that the current float is under 50,000,000
waiting for verification (7/25/2015)
website http://biocubeinc.com/