38631 |
Update from Tony (7) |
Z-Trader |
12/29/2017 6:59:33 PM |
40668 |
Thanks for the permission. We (6) |
Mogul40 |
06/21/2018 12:11:06 PM |
26493 |
POOF..... (2) |
Dischino |
05/23/2016 12:00:40 PM |
26490 |
Good reading this morning. Yes, I believe mgmt (5) |
Dischino |
05/23/2016 10:17:51 AM |
26489 |
I remember reading that Baltia doesn't have to go (3) |
BobLeeUU |
05/23/2016 9:23:42 AM |
26488 |
Boss you make a valid point , but if we get a (7) |
papa nasty |
05/23/2016 7:05:18 AM |
26487 |
Not to get off topic ,I will bring it around in a (5) |
BossStock |
05/22/2016 10:13:25 PM |
26485 |
It's sad that law enforcement doesn't care about (4) |
TheNewGuy66 |
05/22/2016 1:43:10 PM |
26484 |
sad thing about it is that there are so many like (2) |
BobLeeUU |
05/22/2016 1:31:44 PM |
26483 |
Poor troyal doesn't like being called on his (3) |
TheNewGuy66 |
05/22/2016 1:05:09 PM |
26482 |
Lol...great show that was! (1) |
Dischino |
05/21/2016 12:05:29 PM |
26481 |
Think I heard it, sounds like this: (2) |
Carsmax177 |
05/21/2016 11:57:26 AM |
26480 |
Seems to be some POOFING going on around here? (2) |
Dischino |
05/21/2016 11:22:17 AM |
26478 |
Great 10Q when you consider what an incredible (5) |
Rodeoup |
05/21/2016 3:10:13 AM |
26477 |
There was allot of info, more than I have seen on (3) |
BobLeeUU |
05/20/2016 9:07:39 PM |
26476 |
I thought this was interesting: Following the (6) |
Carsmax177 |
05/20/2016 7:47:41 PM |
26475 |
Had my 1st stock buy 3 years ago today! Happy (5) |
Raptor |
05/20/2016 5:34:52 PM |
26474 |
It just confirms for me that Baltia is not a scam (9) |
BobLeeUU |
05/20/2016 5:30:38 PM |
26473 |
Anything Interesting in the 10Q ?? (3) |
randman |
05/20/2016 3:46:11 PM |
26472 |
Gang Bangers do not have a voice here. It may (5) |
Dischino |
05/20/2016 3:19:43 PM |
26471 |
10Q posted today (5) |
Sam |
05/20/2016 3:19:38 PM |
26470 |
Say what? (5) |
Dischino |
05/20/2016 2:39:37 PM |
26468 |
Nobody Here to take out the Trash (3) |
randman |
05/20/2016 2:30:24 PM |
26465 |
Is there a meeting somewhere that I missed? Are (3) |
jonthezman |
05/20/2016 12:18:01 PM |
26459 |
Are they still whining over there? Too (5) |
Dischino |
05/19/2016 12:56:55 PM |
26458 |
I am so happy jw sold and lost money lol lol lol (12) |
papa nasty |
05/19/2016 12:46:48 PM |
26450 |
Not sure that we'll get take off today, but I (4) |
jact |
05/18/2016 9:59:35 AM |
26449 |
Looking for take off today! (3) |
iToby1 |
05/18/2016 8:33:45 AM |
26448 |
Funny hell, I'm serious. If anyone knows a way to (2) |
Dischino |
05/17/2016 11:00:20 PM |
26447 |
LT thanks for posting as always your words seem (3) |
iToby1 |
05/17/2016 7:17:00 PM |
26446 |
You are too funny Joe! (2) |
Old & Wise |
05/17/2016 6:55:01 PM |
26445 |
I've asked LT to adopt me, even said I cook, (2) |
Dischino |
05/17/2016 6:34:35 PM |
26444 |
And just image what would happen if you had a (4) |
jonthezman |
05/17/2016 1:19:11 PM |
26443 |
Thanks LT. I can honesty say those have been my (4) |
Rodeoup |
05/17/2016 1:05:00 PM |
26442 |
I might not get the order filled. But today won't (1) |
USGL investor |
05/17/2016 11:56:37 AM |
26441 |
Nice to see your still very upbeat. Just made me (3) |
USGL investor |
05/17/2016 11:50:31 AM |
26439 |
Fabulous post O & W. I too keep in close contact (19) |
The Lieutenant |
05/17/2016 11:32:56 AM |
26437 |
Certification Status: Pursuing Newer Aircraft, (4) |
speckulater |
05/17/2016 10:25:37 AM |
26435 |
No primrose path was ever (1) |
YouLie |
05/17/2016 1:32:36 AM |
26434 |
"Aging and wise ", we capiche. |
Dischino |
05/16/2016 10:09:49 PM |
26433 |
Fantastic post. Eom (2) |
Mogul40 |
05/16/2016 7:58:35 PM |
26432 |
Great Post..The Positive reinforcement helps take (2) |
randman |
05/16/2016 7:45:29 PM |
26431 |
After reading the recent posts its clear that (23) |
Old & Wise |
05/16/2016 7:39:40 PM |
26430 |
Wow cleanup on isles 2, 4 and 5, if we get to (4) |
Rodeoup |
05/16/2016 6:53:39 PM |
26425 |
I agree that Baltia is keeping a tight lid due to (7) |
Mogul40 |
05/16/2016 4:17:24 PM |
26424 |
Yes, I agree, but I think it's time we stop (2) |
Dischino |
05/16/2016 4:06:00 PM |
26423 |
Wouldn't it be rather foolish to sell shares (1) |
Bcrisktaker |
05/16/2016 4:01:57 PM |
26422 |
I have a feeling due to the SEC the company is (2) |
USGL investor |
05/16/2016 3:58:49 PM |
26418 |
Not sure I follow this correctly, but why does (6) |
jact |
05/16/2016 3:10:20 PM |
26415 |
He is a Board Moderator as posted above and a (1) |
randman |
05/16/2016 3:05:53 PM |
26413 |
Fair enough. Nothing personal in it, he was |
stamfordcvi |
05/16/2016 2:57:37 PM |
26412 |
No thanks, I don't want a copy of a pvt message |
Dischino |
05/16/2016 2:49:14 PM |