38631 |
Update from Tony (7) |
Z-Trader |
12/29/2017 6:59:33 PM |
40668 |
Thanks for the permission. We (6) |
Mogul40 |
06/21/2018 12:11:06 PM |
25103 |
One of the clowns posted last night showing 4 or (3) |
BobLeeUU |
02/24/2016 9:17:10 AM |
25102 |
Great post!!!! (4) |
elinas27 |
02/24/2016 8:44:00 AM |
25101 |
WOo0T!!! -Hoot (5) |
Hootavoota |
02/24/2016 8:40:16 AM |
25100 |
Thank you for a great and very informative (3) |
iToby1 |
02/24/2016 8:26:47 AM |
25099 |
Appreciate You Steve...Feeling Good about my (5) |
randman |
02/24/2016 8:23:25 AM |
25098 |
I was sitting here this morning, going through (26) |
Striving |
02/24/2016 8:16:52 AM |
25097 |
Please, don't start calling these guys......I am (5) |
Striving |
02/24/2016 6:32:56 AM |
25096 |
No problem |
Mogul40 |
02/24/2016 5:19:18 AM |
25095 |
Mogul, Sorry about the fat finger. Totally |
Rodeoup |
02/24/2016 3:03:31 AM |
25094 |
It's a big building, several suites (2) |
BobLeeUU |
02/24/2016 12:15:08 AM |
25093 |
Chicago Venture Partners, L.P. p: 312-297-7000 f: (4) |
BobLeeUU |
02/24/2016 12:13:20 AM |
25092 |
Who is located at 303 East Wacker Drive, Suite |
baltiapilot |
02/23/2016 11:55:12 PM |
25091 |
I was thinking of moving to a senior mobile home (3) |
Dischino |
02/23/2016 9:55:55 PM |
25090 |
I typed in Americas newest airline on google and (5) |
Mogul40 |
02/23/2016 9:15:56 PM |
25089 |
Trailer trash anyway you look at (2) |
Mogul40 |
02/23/2016 9:12:47 PM |
25088 |
It doesn't like my posts. It's either that rotund (3) |
Striving |
02/23/2016 8:49:21 PM |
25087 |
I can't believe you tools are still trying. You (6) |
Mogul40 |
02/23/2016 8:47:47 PM |
25084 |
With so much promise and so many things going on (26) |
The Lieutenant |
02/23/2016 8:25:55 PM |
25083 |
Make sure to register your drones. Big fines and (2) |
Mogul40 |
02/23/2016 7:56:58 PM |
25082 |
Thanks for sharing that Striving. Muchly (2) |
InTheGripOfGrace |
02/23/2016 7:05:58 PM |
25081 |
Probably the dumbest business model ever (4) |
Mogul40 |
02/23/2016 6:58:27 PM |
25080 |
Thank goodness Baltia has so many things going (6) |
Mogul40 |
02/23/2016 6:57:27 PM |
25079 |
FACEBOOK: BLTA Secures $500,000 Promissory Note (3) |
speckulater |
02/23/2016 6:56:17 PM |
25078 |
I know one of the principals of Chicago Venture (22) |
Striving |
02/23/2016 6:55:15 PM |
25077 |
FACEBOOK: BLTA Secures $500,000 Promissory Note (3) |
speckulater |
02/23/2016 6:53:57 PM |
25076 |
Did I just have a post deleted for saying I (2) |
Goneape |
02/23/2016 6:40:38 PM |
25075 |
Sounds promising... Thank you, can't wait to hear (3) |
Sam |
02/23/2016 6:39:11 PM |
25074 |
Actually there are 2 other fronts. Let me say (9) |
Striving |
02/23/2016 6:25:43 PM |
25073 |
Now, Striving, you know that securing "a |
baltiapilot |
02/23/2016 6:24:50 PM |
25072 |
Could be? (2) |
Dischino |
02/23/2016 5:52:06 PM |
25070 |
I know what happened. Guido broke their thumbs. (3) |
Mogul40 |
02/23/2016 5:49:38 PM |
25069 |
I'm happy to add to the pile today (5) |
Mogul40 |
02/23/2016 5:47:57 PM |
25068 |
Well, that explains the huge increase of pps. (4) |
Robodog |
02/23/2016 5:34:30 PM |
25067 |
Posted on Facebook: Baltia Air Lines 13 mins (15) |
The Lieutenant |
02/23/2016 5:32:25 PM |
25066 |
Thanks disch and striving. Everybody is (4) |
Mogul40 |
02/23/2016 5:31:16 PM |
25065 |
Hoot, One of the best posts I have read lately! (2) |
Rodeoup |
02/23/2016 5:27:21 PM |
25064 |
That is what I am saying, thanks for keeping us (4) |
BobLeeUU |
02/23/2016 5:23:56 PM |
25063 |
Alright, going to go walk my (3) |
Striving |
02/23/2016 5:23:45 PM |
25062 |
I only show up when I have something to say (7) |
Striving |
02/23/2016 5:22:41 PM |
25061 |
Gee, lots of down thumbs erased. I wonder what (7) |
Dischino |
02/23/2016 5:22:39 PM |
25060 |
I was about to send out a search party looking (4) |
BobLeeUU |
02/23/2016 5:21:31 PM |
25059 |
Yea baby let them put that in their pipe and (6) |
iToby1 |
02/23/2016 5:20:59 PM |
25058 |
Oh, and big pow wow in NYC next week with a group (8) |
Striving |
02/23/2016 5:20:48 PM |
25057 |
I can think of 3 ways Baltia gets in the air... (13) |
Striving |
02/23/2016 5:13:29 PM |
25056 |
Operating capital and no dilution. And if you (12) |
Striving |
02/23/2016 5:10:58 PM |
25055 |
COMPANY UPDATE: Baltia Air Lines is pleased to (8) |
Striving |
02/23/2016 5:09:50 PM |
25054 |
I have been saying ad nauseoum. Things are not (4) |
Mogul40 |
02/23/2016 4:33:59 PM |
25053 |
Hopefully it is to get this legal team going to (1) |
BobLeeUU |
02/23/2016 4:20:57 PM |
25050 |
Good Deal - Ease some worries Next? (1) |
emit |
02/23/2016 4:14:09 PM |
25049 |
Baltia Air Lines 13 mins New York, NY (8) |
BobLeeUU |
02/23/2016 4:07:22 PM |