Telehealth Stock Talk | Honestly I put more stock in Mariss (4) | 01/03/2022 6:06:38 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Re 1/22/22: I don't know if people (2) | 01/03/2022 2:43:43 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | "I think that Amazon does have some | 12/31/2021 11:18:49 AM |
Telehealth Stock Talk | I agree that it would be useless, i (1) | 12/30/2021 12:12:02 AM |
Telehealth Stock Talk | fwiw, JHB *immediately* and publicl (3) | 12/29/2021 6:50:23 PM |
Telehealth Stock Talk | Marisssa Bronfman of Kizmet told me (3) | 12/27/2021 7:51:36 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Would make me and my newly added sh (2) | 12/27/2021 2:09:49 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Dodged a bullet there, LV! Congrats | 12/22/2021 5:44:39 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | MMs could have bought it and sold a | 12/22/2021 5:43:39 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I would have thought that was a fat | 12/22/2021 3:45:50 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I like this line: "Happy to answer (2) | 12/20/2021 11:29:51 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Fits w/Michelle Bronfman's "January (3) | 12/20/2021 9:57:42 PM |
Telehealth Stock Talk | Remember HRI tho...he's not just a (4) | 12/18/2021 1:44:16 PM |
Telehealth Stock Talk | Excellent, Dusty em (1) | 12/17/2021 7:43:44 PM |
Telehealth Stock Talk | I read that to mean that he's ackno (6) | 12/17/2021 3:44:25 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I agree but 33k% gain (for him and (3) | 12/15/2021 10:59:32 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | THANKS, Mikey! have to say, Dr. D. (11) | 12/15/2021 11:58:16 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Thanks, MLR - while I figured it wo (6) | 12/14/2021 10:48:02 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | OY that's gotta hurt - tell her she (1) | 12/13/2021 9:59:06 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I was thinking about that - that's (1) | 12/13/2021 9:56:02 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | reply from Marissa Bronfman, sugges (17) | 12/13/2021 7:03:12 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Would be a bummer if Eagleforce did | 12/09/2021 5:03:09 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I sent for it -- you can request it | 12/06/2021 11:09:30 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Great work mhill...could you please (3) | 12/06/2021 7:18:41 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | As someone who's done my fair share (2) | 12/01/2021 2:32:14 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Great tweet just wish the auto-link (4) | 11/29/2021 4:24:58 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | It just means that that tiny short (1) | 11/29/2021 11:21:45 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | side note: weird when so many congl (3) | 11/14/2021 1:22:05 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | To confirm that this is the partner (4) | 11/12/2021 10:01:08 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Has anyone run this by dr d? | 11/12/2021 4:07:07 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Should read market--cant edit on my | 11/09/2021 8:20:05 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Off to look up the otc most 10 day | 11/09/2021 8:19:22 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I could see that. (the part about n | 11/09/2021 6:33:26 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Although there is still the issue o (1) | 11/09/2021 6:25:26 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I stopped after he didn't answer tw (3) | 11/09/2021 5:01:29 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | that's what I tried to point out a (3) | 11/05/2021 4:30:25 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Connection with a Bronfman is not a (2) | 11/05/2021 12:27:14 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Its market cap is 24B; ours is 13M. | 11/05/2021 12:36:00 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Wish we could bar them from buying. (2) | 11/03/2021 7:11:45 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Proud that UNVC is part of the solu | 11/02/2021 3:53:42 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Attaboy! Everyone has their own tol (2) | 11/02/2021 2:29:53 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | If Dr. D.'s 'total wraparound' can (2) | 11/02/2021 1:39:10 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | YES I keep forgetting the acquisiti | 11/02/2021 1:12:26 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | YES Calling Adrian Harpool! He's ha (2) | 11/02/2021 12:32:18 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | That's how I understand it too. A p (4) | 11/02/2021 12:31:22 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | yes, it was here, I think. At any r | 11/01/2021 11:09:43 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Can this great summative post be st (2) | 11/01/2021 4:01:45 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | "The department will award about ha (4) | 11/01/2021 3:54:06 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | That quote was always one that got | 10/31/2021 12:35:48 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Thanks, LV! So the 10K at end of ne (3) | 10/29/2021 7:22:11 PM |