GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | If I open a new Roth could I transf | 02/28/2020 11:47:36 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Agree. A rapid test kit that does n | 02/28/2020 10:56:29 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | 1M shares in 25mins. Lots of profit | 02/28/2020 9:55:45 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Agree 100% RJ. Just having a little (1) | 02/28/2020 8:55:49 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Wow. TC is on Joes sh1t list and do (3) | 02/27/2020 10:40:06 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Share qty for all the asks is in th | 02/27/2020 12:51:42 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | My div shares now showing up in pos | 02/27/2020 12:17:42 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Why would the public format not be (1) | 02/26/2020 12:44:13 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | My take on this is simple. This is (3) | 02/26/2020 12:03:17 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | That sucks. It was never represente | 02/26/2020 10:23:12 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Paul. All my div numbers are correc | 02/25/2020 7:19:39 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | NGIO shares just popped up in my mo | 02/25/2020 7:05:42 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Also now seeing in my account histo | 02/25/2020 6:25:46 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I see my GNBT shares including the | 02/25/2020 6:15:56 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Thoughts on your comment regarding | 02/25/2020 8:48:32 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Shares outstanding 67M even. Market (3) | 02/25/2020 8:36:52 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | My Ameritrade account is showing ye | 02/25/2020 8:21:40 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | They show as a CUSIP with quantity | 02/24/2020 1:43:41 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | 4:00pm today. Price adjusts tomorro | 02/24/2020 1:39:22 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | An AH PR on a corona virus deal wou (1) | 02/24/2020 10:41:06 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Panic buying has not set in yet. | 02/24/2020 10:39:00 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | The difference is now we are gettin | 02/22/2020 6:04:23 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Yes. My prediction is intense downw | 02/22/2020 11:54:40 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | The problem with this is that two p | 02/22/2020 11:52:34 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Maybe that’s (part of the reason) | 02/22/2020 11:46:08 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Whoever owns the shares at end of t | 02/22/2020 11:42:22 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | The div can not go to the owner who | 02/21/2020 6:31:45 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | So if I’m reading that right $40M (1) | 02/18/2020 3:16:56 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | This is why joe has to make sure th (2) | 02/15/2020 8:18:12 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Unless they know someone is going t | 02/15/2020 8:14:37 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | You asked for it. Here’s my posit | 02/15/2020 5:42:03 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Would love to see this break throug | 02/14/2020 2:26:22 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Ive never sold a share short so the | 02/14/2020 9:33:37 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | 290k shorted yesterday. 66% of volu | 02/14/2020 9:10:15 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I think the 85% comment was prior t | 02/13/2020 1:34:56 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Overall I’m satisfied with the ca | 02/13/2020 1:31:45 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Not sure that we know that. Just a (2) | 02/13/2020 8:49:35 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Sounds like shares came out of the | 02/13/2020 8:28:04 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Yes. Midday call day before record (1) | 02/12/2020 2:36:36 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | 5000 sale at .5710 with a 2000 bid (2) | 02/12/2020 12:54:13 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | So Friday as I said earlier % of vo | 02/12/2020 9:02:26 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | They were not due the dividend and | 02/12/2020 6:06:00 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Problem is 30% of the unusually hig | 02/12/2020 6:02:03 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Zoli I hope your optimism is right. | 02/09/2020 9:51:22 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Saw a news report somewhere that Co | 02/09/2020 8:45:59 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Nearly 1/3 of the volume on Friday | 02/09/2020 8:39:56 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | By the numbers on OTC 50,643,477 ou (2) | 02/07/2020 1:38:47 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I agree with you. I just have not h | 02/07/2020 1:03:34 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Bright side - I was able to avg dow | 02/07/2020 1:01:03 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | My opinion is that FINRA probably t (1) | 02/07/2020 12:51:00 PM |