DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Compression Tech - ! Tremor Vid | 08/05/2013 6:23:41 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Facebook Is Ruining Facebook | 08/05/2013 6:07:44 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | You guys are making it sound great, | 08/05/2013 11:10:47 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I cannot open links with my phone. | 08/05/2013 9:00:28 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Morning chessmite, I see you miss | 08/04/2013 10:36:21 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | ??? | 08/04/2013 12:32:14 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Shes right !! And its your re | 08/04/2013 12:29:50 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | There has been a breach of privacy | 08/04/2013 12:06:25 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Chessmite more great work, Now | 08/03/2013 11:43:29 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Help !! how can some one check | 08/03/2013 11:35:12 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | This is great folks, I'm have a har | 08/03/2013 8:57:41 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I'm brewing another pot of dunkin d | 08/03/2013 8:28:38 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I'm sorry this might seem lazy off | 08/03/2013 8:23:19 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Thank you Sir , | 08/03/2013 6:18:20 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I think its a bad link, Or it only | 08/03/2013 5:20:54 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Good afternoon to you, Thanks for | 08/03/2013 5:18:48 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Man O man chessmite, Alot of ti | 08/03/2013 4:59:17 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | That sounds great chessmite, Whil | 08/03/2013 1:55:15 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Thats not funny at all !! | 08/03/2013 1:51:25 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/dai | 08/03/2013 1:43:51 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | That by far was the best thing I ha | 08/02/2013 11:37:49 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I'm still reading and this is getti | 08/02/2013 11:29:36 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | So far I like the first paragraph, | 08/02/2013 11:27:07 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Great read, Maybe they are ta | 08/02/2013 11:23:45 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Have a great weekend. | 08/02/2013 10:10:06 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | http://www.dvb.org/ | 08/02/2013 9:52:07 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I lost the page !!! | 08/02/2013 9:20:38 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | WILL DO. | 08/02/2013 9:17:52 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Seriously chessmite, I think it | 08/02/2013 9:16:25 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | PHONICS AND RETAINING INFO COMES EA | 08/02/2013 9:09:04 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | You guys do not need a card or inv | 08/02/2013 9:07:13 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Me too, My $170.00 makes me lau | 08/02/2013 9:05:20 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I'm hungry break time need to eat s | 08/02/2013 8:50:41 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Me too Slic, Slic I'M still a | 08/02/2013 8:48:42 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Nice work there chessmite, I sh | 08/02/2013 8:47:33 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I finished reading that a hour ago, | 08/02/2013 8:40:42 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I'm posting this one because it men | 08/02/2013 8:36:39 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Love the weekends guys, I sure hope | 08/02/2013 7:15:40 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | You guys know I was having fun abou | 08/02/2013 6:41:13 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Everyone !! Days like today I do no | 08/02/2013 5:07:33 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Now thats funny PTM. Yea whats the | 08/02/2013 4:35:32 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I'm in, dont have to tell me twice | 08/02/2013 3:04:17 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Great job Slic, you pointed out all | 08/02/2013 1:39:30 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Thats right, and not a red one blue | 08/02/2013 1:25:39 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Baby boomers need help, great if yo | 08/02/2013 1:22:26 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Where is the super Technology, like | 08/02/2013 1:14:20 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | One through 7 steps to get it ready | 08/02/2013 1:06:07 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I know everyone is up to speed, | 08/01/2013 11:32:24 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Got to get to bed, everyones acti | 08/01/2013 10:32:13 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I would almost bet its because they | 08/01/2013 10:27:20 PM |