Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $BMSN THANK YOU, good morning/ Bio- | 05/11/2017 11:46:00 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | ????? $REXX May 5, 2017 4:01 PM/ NA | 05/11/2017 11:35:06 AM |
REXXQ Rex Energy Corp. | $REXX steady growth | 05/11/2017 11:31:02 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | thank you on this one $REXX | 05/11/2017 11:30:10 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | thank you $MMEG lot of chat | 05/11/2017 11:29:41 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $GCEI huge company $GCEI | 05/11/2017 11:27:19 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | little to slow movement this mornin | 05/11/2017 11:25:25 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | GOOD ONE $MMEG | 05/11/2017 11:24:47 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | thank you $ASTI ASTI | 05/11/2017 11:22:59 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $ PGPM Pilgrim Petroleum Corporatio | 05/11/2017 11:18:51 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $JKDG Grand Havana Coffee Company ( | 05/11/2017 11:17:55 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $ICIZF website today... last filing | 05/11/2017 11:15:03 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $DRWN News, No RS---Share buyback ? | 05/11/2017 11:13:21 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $TMXN News: Trimax Corporation Subs | 05/11/2017 11:11:55 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $PUPS EXCERPT/ PUPS Mega Merger wit | 05/11/2017 11:10:31 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | The cannabis industry is blooming, | 05/11/2017 11:03:32 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | POT PRICES: MAY 2017 THMQ http://hi | 05/11/2017 10:56:25 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Israel’s Largest Supplier of Medi | 05/11/2017 10:50:33 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Pick-ups Plus, Inc. $PUPS) 0.002223 | 05/11/2017 10:47:14 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $CULTURE LIFE LIVING HIGH TIMES htt | 05/11/2017 10:42:59 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $POTN PotNetwork Holding, Inc. (POT | 05/11/2017 10:38:48 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $QEDN good one, https://www.barchar | 05/11/2017 10:06:20 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $EQLB good one, https://www.barchar | 05/11/2017 10:05:47 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | me again, morn'ins $EQLB | 05/11/2017 10:01:49 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | stay away from retail ????? $KSS $S | 05/11/2017 9:36:35 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $PUPS ????? PUPS Pickups Plus Inc. | 05/11/2017 9:35:45 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $IDVV , mj ????? thanx | 05/11/2017 9:35:35 AM |
ASTI Ascent Solar Technologies Inc. | $ASTI good morning my friend, | 05/11/2017 9:32:00 AM |
PUPS Pickups Plus Inc. | $PUPS ????? PUPS Pickups Plus Inc. | 05/11/2017 9:30:52 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Golden Phoenix Miner (GPXM) 0.0029 | 05/10/2017 4:18:49 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Bill O’Reilly’s wife makes SHOC | 05/10/2017 4:13:31 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $MJNA Medical Marijuana, Inc. Subsi | 05/10/2017 4:10:13 PM |
MJNA Medical Marijuana Inc. | $MJNA Medical Marijuana, Inc. Subsi | 05/10/2017 4:09:54 PM |
PLUG Plug Power Inc. | $PLUG • Wed 10:44 A | 05/10/2017 4:08:52 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $PLUG • Wed 10:44 A | 05/10/2017 4:08:07 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $FSLR MarketWatch • Wed 10:53 AM | 05/10/2017 4:08:00 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $CSIQ • Wed 12:00 PM | 05/10/2017 4:07:44 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $ASTI CNBC • Wed 12:27 PM Tesla s | 05/10/2017 4:07:27 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $RGSE GlobeNewswire • Wed 1:01 PM | 05/10/2017 4:04:13 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $Here's Why The EU Won't Last Anoth | 05/10/2017 4:01:40 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $CCTL $BYSD $MELY FRE; CCTL seems b | 05/10/2017 3:59:38 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | afternoon my friend $wpwr $idgc | 05/10/2017 3:57:01 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $Cattle Futures Fall on Lower Cash | 05/10/2017 3:55:53 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $PEIX Associated Press • Tue 3:04 | 05/10/2017 3:54:28 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $SHOM Marketwired • Fri 11:14 AM | 05/10/2017 3:51:01 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $SHOM Marketwired • Mon 7:49 AM S | 05/10/2017 3:49:48 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $BLDV Marketwired • Wed 7:15 AM B | 05/10/2017 3:48:45 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $SHOM Marketwired • Fri 3:00 AM S | 05/10/2017 3:47:47 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Tunnel collapse triggers nuclear em | 05/10/2017 3:45:41 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Masonite International (DOOR) This | 05/10/2017 3:20:40 PM |