Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $ACAN Americann Inc. (QX) (ACAN) Ne | 05/10/2017 1:16:04 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $GNPT , what ah deal | 05/10/2017 1:01:50 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Revealed! Comey's firing exposes IN | 05/10/2017 1:00:38 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Dr. Amy Lee Bariatric Physician Dr. | 05/10/2017 12:56:11 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Currency and Commodities Markets Cr | 05/10/2017 12:54:36 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Asian stocks ended mixed on Wednesd | 05/10/2017 12:53:57 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Europe markets The major European m | 05/10/2017 12:53:14 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | Stocks In Focus Shares of Kate Spad | 05/10/2017 12:52:15 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | USDA Supply/Demand: U.S. Wheat And | 05/10/2017 12:51:03 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $BRNE thank you for updating $BRNE | 05/10/2017 12:45:05 PM |
SHEEPWOLF'S $1,000,000.00 JOURNEY | $BRNE thank you for updating $BRNE | 05/10/2017 12:44:50 PM |
SHEEPWOLF'S $1,000,000.00 JOURNEY | $QEDN | 05/10/2017 12:43:46 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $QEDN | 05/10/2017 12:43:15 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | thank you fer heads up/ $GEGI https | 05/10/2017 12:40:31 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | looks good / $WEN https://www.barch | 05/10/2017 12:37:22 PM |
SHEEPWOLF'S $1,000,000.00 JOURNEY | $BRNE | 05/10/2017 12:33:53 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $BRNE | 05/10/2017 12:32:46 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $MMEG | 05/10/2017 12:30:12 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $PMCB | 05/10/2017 12:28:48 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $NXXGF $GEGI https://www.barchart.c | 05/10/2017 12:26:59 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $GEGI | 05/10/2017 12:26:03 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | What Is the Volatility Index? The V | 05/10/2017 12:17:51 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | thank you. $GNPT | 05/10/2017 12:16:42 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | great call $CSOC | 05/10/2017 12:11:50 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $WFT Weatherford 5.25 0.18 3.45% 12 | 05/10/2017 12:09:55 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $F Ford Motor 11.14 -0.03 -0.22% 13 | 05/10/2017 12:09:47 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $PFE Pfizer 33.10 -0.28 -0.84% 14,2 | 05/10/2017 12:09:23 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $NOK Nokia 6.13 -0.05 -0.79% 14,261 | 05/10/2017 12:09:04 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $VALE Vale 8.37 0.11 1.27% 14,419,2 | 05/10/2017 12:08:46 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $ABEV Ambev 6.04 0.10 1.60% 14,609, | 05/10/2017 12:08:28 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $CHK Chesapeake 5.73 0.33 6.02% 24, | 05/10/2017 12:07:55 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $BAC Bank Of America 24.09 0.11 0.4 | 05/10/2017 12:07:35 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $YELP Yelp 28.33 -6.37 -18.36% 31,6 | 05/10/2017 12:07:05 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $VRX Valeant Pharma 12.47 0.42 3.49 | 05/10/2017 12:06:43 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $NVDA NVDA News: Current Report Fil | 05/10/2017 12:03:58 PM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $ SDVI $GBHL http://www.otcmarkets. | 05/10/2017 11:37:28 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $CSOC big volatility on low prices | 05/10/2017 11:35:07 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $HAON HAON News: Halitron, Inc. (OT | 05/10/2017 11:30:51 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $HAON Halitron, Inc. (PC) (HAON) 0. | 05/10/2017 11:28:49 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $USRM U.s. Stem Cell, Inc. (USRM) 0 | 05/10/2017 11:26:44 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $CLD $COAL Cloud Peak Energy (CLD) | 05/10/2017 11:23:18 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | what will you have PABST BLUE RIBBO | 05/10/2017 11:21:17 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $MJNA $PMCB $TRTC $IDGC The No. 1 O | 05/10/2017 11:17:31 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | "Super Bug" Crisis – and Making M | 05/10/2017 11:11:53 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $KSS $SHLD $Kohl's Corp.'s (NYSE: K | 05/10/2017 11:09:04 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $SILVER Monster Silver Deficit Prec | 05/10/2017 11:01:12 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | interesting spring, rainy californi | 05/10/2017 10:58:35 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $Silver has had a tough run over th | 05/10/2017 10:55:19 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $Mark your calendar for Monday, May | 05/10/2017 10:53:35 AM |
Chris20 Pete Mick and friends | $GRPV announced acquisition of MBE | 05/10/2017 10:51:56 AM |