IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | $0.431 0.05 (13.42%) Bid/Ask 0.431 | 06/29/2018 12:42:19 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Just about to crack 300k. :-) | 06/29/2018 12:20:56 PM |
ALRTF ALR Technologies, Inc. | Surprised to see this so quiet here | 06/29/2018 12:19:41 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | .50 upper Bollinger I was thinking (3) | 06/29/2018 11:51:20 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | I picked up a pinch of shares yeste | 06/29/2018 11:19:46 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | A LOT of running room here imo. eom | 06/29/2018 11:17:08 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Such a tease. As if they'd let this (2) | 06/22/2018 1:57:28 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Just saw that myself lol. | 06/22/2018 1:24:41 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Ask @ .42. Rockin the boat. .07 spr | 06/22/2018 1:22:52 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | It would be excellent to get covera (2) | 06/22/2018 6:34:15 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Agree, if this does pinch and manag (1) | 06/21/2018 4:10:51 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Maybe it was just a near EOD move b (1) | 06/21/2018 4:08:43 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | OTCX just bumped up to .37. A few o (2) | 06/21/2018 3:55:06 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Chart is setting up again. Not quit | 06/21/2018 3:41:56 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | What changes all of that is news. H (3) | 06/21/2018 11:32:29 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | They're trying their best for anoth (4) | 06/20/2018 4:51:54 PM |
THER Theratechnologies Inc. | Finally filed their 10-Q. Current a | 06/20/2018 4:38:22 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | It's like a swarm of idiots. No fil (2) | 06/20/2018 4:35:09 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | My bid is in, see if they try a dec (3) | 06/20/2018 12:01:18 PM |
ALRTF ALR Technologies, Inc. | Migrating to Canada. They're Nevada | 06/14/2018 12:04:48 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Not really a bad day at all imo. A (1) | 06/13/2018 4:45:58 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Actually I'm more you're average Jo (8) | 06/13/2018 10:15:04 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Those idiotic fabricated totally BS (9) | 06/13/2018 9:53:37 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Waiting on data. Their antics hold (4) | 06/13/2018 6:09:48 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | 12:48:13 f 0.2308 100 NYSE American | 06/12/2018 1:19:00 PM |
THER Theratechnologies Inc. | My order was sitting at .0311 yeste | 06/12/2018 5:43:53 AM |
THER Theratechnologies Inc. | Need to get the 10Q out of the way | 06/11/2018 6:54:59 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Deals are made year round. No limit (2) | 06/06/2018 2:20:54 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | I still have my .35's. Another depo | 06/06/2018 2:14:35 PM |
THER Theratechnologies Inc. | The 10-K is out. In that they list | 06/01/2018 1:38:59 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Just waiting for my inbox to light | 05/30/2018 11:23:00 AM |
THER Theratechnologies Inc. | Finally got the chance to put somet | 05/22/2018 8:05:57 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Chart is in good shape. See how it | 05/22/2018 8:00:56 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Compliance plan accepted till Sept | 05/22/2018 7:29:25 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Seeing LAFC on with a halfway decen | 05/21/2018 1:33:42 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | I see famous George posted on the a | 05/18/2018 11:46:45 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Bid whakers at it again. eom | 05/18/2018 9:46:06 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | I was wondering just how many ID's (1) | 05/18/2018 8:47:49 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | A tle from the charts... Here are t | 05/18/2018 7:25:48 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | A small correction: ABSSSI not ABBB | 05/18/2018 6:20:53 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | I was told I'm being overly optimis (5) | 05/18/2018 5:58:39 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | That site had so much potential. No | 05/17/2018 12:57:06 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Volume hunting. Pretty thin for a m | 05/17/2018 10:43:29 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | And another bear goes bull. I would (1) | 05/17/2018 8:12:15 AM |
THER Theratechnologies Inc. | Thanks! Was hoping to see the 10K a | 05/17/2018 6:14:30 AM |
THER Theratechnologies Inc. | On May 11, 2018, the Institutional (1) | 05/16/2018 3:29:10 PM |
THER Theratechnologies Inc. | They're trying to consolidate and s | 05/16/2018 3:15:51 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Haven't heard a peep myself. Where | 05/16/2018 2:14:42 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Cup and handle formed on the intra | 05/16/2018 2:08:29 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Back inside the bollinger and stand | 05/16/2018 11:21:13 AM |