IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | OBV is bouncing, bollnger lines com (2) | 08/23/2018 1:18:03 PM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | No, I was trying though! It didn't | 08/15/2018 1:43:40 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Interesting article. We could use s | 08/15/2018 1:06:04 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | I remember when that "mylife" websi (1) | 08/15/2018 9:12:27 AM |
Investors Hangout MVP's | SYN completed 1:35 RS, high volatil | 08/14/2018 12:45:55 PM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | shares out 3.8M so I did figure it | 08/14/2018 10:58:47 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | high of day (hod) 4.12. And yeah, I | 08/14/2018 10:30:42 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Crazy. At least the halts aren't ki | 08/14/2018 10:13:39 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Here we go with the halts again. 3. | 08/14/2018 10:05:07 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Good point Drano!! Yes, let's stick (2) | 08/14/2018 7:50:14 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Cheers, no worries here. The volati | 08/13/2018 12:16:18 PM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Looks like 5 - 10 minutes. | 08/13/2018 12:07:50 PM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | No doubt. too bad I wasn't watching | 08/13/2018 12:05:08 PM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | It was halted a few times. | 08/13/2018 11:54:53 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | They're certainly walking it down. | 08/13/2018 11:51:47 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Not sure if finviz has updated yet. | 08/13/2018 11:49:47 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Bid showing 2.26 lol. This is exact | 08/13/2018 11:42:36 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | My order filled at $3. Thinking I c | 08/13/2018 11:41:10 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | It would be a consideration imo not (1) | 08/13/2018 11:38:29 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | another multi identity uncovered, m (3) | 08/13/2018 10:40:17 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | The 20dma and the PSAR are doing th (2) | 08/09/2018 11:32:11 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Look lively when those LII's light | 08/09/2018 10:59:03 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | I have plenty for a big run. Keepin (1) | 08/09/2018 10:56:04 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Thinking prurisol data comes out ne (6) | 08/09/2018 9:23:56 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Wowzers. And they'll just get a sla (4) | 08/08/2018 11:49:13 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Can't believe it missed me. I'm sit | 08/08/2018 10:45:07 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | We'll get our validation with the f (4) | 08/07/2018 12:16:13 PM |
BLRX Biolinerx Ltd. | Needs to get back over the $ to reg | 08/07/2018 7:36:15 AM |
BLRX Biolinerx Ltd. | BLRX just may start waking up. http | 08/07/2018 7:11:50 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Thinking you guys should just click (2) | 08/07/2018 6:53:13 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Friday the 10th after close. ...eff | 08/06/2018 10:59:51 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Still may see a bit of a pinch befo | 08/03/2018 2:16:11 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | I would like to say that the invert (3) | 08/03/2018 10:36:42 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Thanks Drano & Pete! A Slow-Motion (1) | 08/03/2018 10:12:18 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Waiting for a deposit to clear. .12 | 08/02/2018 2:24:04 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Why am I not surprised to see them | 08/01/2018 1:25:00 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | My dailies say it's bounce time. Bu | 08/01/2018 11:50:24 AM |
TOVX Theriva Biologics, Inc. | Just saw SYN in the news at a booth | 07/30/2018 9:58:26 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Pressure on the lower bolinger. Jus (1) | 07/30/2018 9:52:37 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | They know the clock is ticking. 2 - (5) | 07/26/2018 9:47:29 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | I guess Mondays have been seeing th | 07/23/2018 2:13:49 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Done. It is an excellent example of (1) | 07/23/2018 1:07:19 PM |
US Rigged Markets ~ NSS ~ MM Games | Came across something very interest (2) | 07/23/2018 12:30:32 PM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Here's a taste of STFL's past. Post (1) | 07/23/2018 11:57:19 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | I should have said, "Hey STFL, you (1) | 07/23/2018 11:19:48 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | There's one I haven't seen on the a | 07/23/2018 11:06:46 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Reorganizing doesn't mean they're b | 07/20/2018 11:00:02 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Good plan. The only reason we see a | 07/20/2018 10:38:05 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Good read Alan. I challenge you to (1) | 07/20/2018 9:59:47 AM |
IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Put out the prurisol data after clo (3) | 07/19/2018 11:32:18 AM |