TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | If you don't love Bull for what he | 05/01/2013 8:43:44 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Picked up 22000 at .0091 | 05/01/2013 4:03:24 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | K thanks Bull they need to team up | 04/28/2013 2:58:50 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Thanks, you are a trooper! They sti | 04/28/2013 2:37:51 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Yes up like waiting on Santa!!! | 04/28/2013 12:59:30 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Bull, what I was hoping was that ma | 04/12/2013 4:26:29 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Yes or trade out. I pm Bull the inf | 04/11/2013 6:14:43 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | OOps sorry I thought I pm this to D | 04/11/2013 5:43:20 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | DTL I got Sean the infro from a man | 04/11/2013 5:41:47 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Look at Brav over last couple month | 04/09/2013 3:47:17 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Will do. Apache offered us 30% but | 04/05/2013 2:50:05 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | True Dlog... I will email him a con | 04/05/2013 2:25:14 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Apache wiil drill it for them for 3 | 04/05/2013 2:20:18 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | You are exactly right Brave. | 04/05/2013 2:15:29 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | The Cline strechs from Abilene to E | 04/05/2013 2:08:13 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Would have should have....could of | 03/15/2013 11:14:41 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Kanola...Use to be :) | 03/15/2013 10:55:05 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Bull this is a truck Lol | 03/15/2013 10:44:37 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Good post Vette!!! | 03/14/2013 1:47:53 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | wow jump up | 03/08/2013 1:20:56 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | http:// | 03/08/2013 1:01:47 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Yes it is posted on FB. | 03/08/2013 12:58:05 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Sorry Dlo I deleted it. It is proba | 03/08/2013 12:56:15 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Treaty sent me a great email this m | 03/08/2013 12:42:02 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Facebook post on Belize. | 03/06/2013 1:28:17 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I am not thrilled about losing 31 t | 03/05/2013 10:49:38 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Form W-1 form needs to be corrected | 03/01/2013 2:23:16 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Yes Explorer has been dopping off a | 02/21/2013 5:27:06 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | DTL we know you are not a basher... | 02/19/2013 5:51:25 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I am going to start buying again. | 02/19/2013 5:43:53 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I am going to sleep better at night | 02/19/2013 5:20:37 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Looks great BULL Your a great AMERI | 02/16/2013 5:41:53 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I am not geting much out of these b | 02/15/2013 6:01:49 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I am in this as a stupid play. I ov | 02/14/2013 12:03:51 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | MM no that is in Abilene mine is | 02/08/2013 10:23:38 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Thank you Bull for all your help h | 02/08/2013 9:35:35 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Just recieved email to sign up for | 02/06/2013 1:03:55 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | DTL they watch this and the other b | 01/31/2013 6:20:12 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | OIl great for you. Lot of money t | 01/31/2013 5:03:20 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | PAYZONE sounds a whole lot like GEO | 01/31/2013 2:56:56 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I totally agree, that 1st well we d | 01/31/2013 2:50:10 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Few more details There is an Oil pu | 01/31/2013 2:22:59 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I will bring one of the best drille | 01/31/2013 2:00:51 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Morts that other stock we jumped in | 01/30/2013 2:51:31 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Dio what's your definition of young | 01/30/2013 2:46:41 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I think we need to throw a horse he | 01/29/2013 11:43:43 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Bar charts sure likes geo's stock | 01/18/2013 4:24:29 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Anyone know the location of wells i | 01/15/2013 4:21:59 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | mmbane that's a good one! | 01/14/2013 10:15:34 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Kanola....hopefully we will look ba | 01/14/2013 9:56:28 AM |