TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | I'm at a crossroads with this. I am (2) | 04/17/2016 7:26:58 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | Lol, can't even log into the other | 04/16/2016 6:51:21 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | not to be rude but...I don't care w (7) | 04/15/2016 9:47:46 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | ok, pps wise...This was a shitty we | 04/15/2016 4:33:04 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | What is the guy on the board from N | 04/14/2016 1:32:18 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | don't forget me Mag! (1) | 04/13/2016 2:42:10 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | seems to me like your upset that hi (1) | 04/12/2016 12:21:21 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | You don't like him posting facts an (2) | 04/12/2016 11:49:11 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | Gotta take them where you can get t (4) | 04/11/2016 2:17:24 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | I picked up another 150K at 23s tod (1) | 04/07/2016 2:29:30 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | lucky2, Bill sent out a tweet stati (1) | 04/05/2016 7:45:07 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | ahhhhh, who's going to argue that!! (1) | 03/31/2016 8:17:47 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | lol (1) | 03/31/2016 8:07:40 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | Ughhh new tweet, shipment received! (4) | 03/31/2016 7:29:45 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | yes let's slow it down and just nib (1) | 03/29/2016 11:04:11 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | I believe he is over on the SFOR bo | 03/29/2016 11:02:44 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | look at this..... (5) | 03/25/2016 10:36:49 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | Here's some fresh squeezed milk, no (1) | 03/25/2016 10:35:55 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | bwaaahahahahaha ha, bought all mine (3) | 03/25/2016 9:18:34 PM |
OCLG Oncologix Tech Inc | great week, hope to see a strong co | 03/25/2016 12:36:59 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | Haaa, the line starts......back the | 03/24/2016 8:21:35 PM |
OCLG Oncologix Tech Inc | wow, we rocking today 10 mil+ at .0 | 03/23/2016 11:14:35 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | The pinch is coming, I say by eow o (1) | 03/21/2016 7:53:00 PM |
NNRX Nutranomics, Inc. | high volume today with over 61 mill | 03/18/2016 5:17:01 PM |
OCLG Oncologix Tech Inc | 2.6 mill in volume, only 37,500K in | 03/18/2016 5:14:07 PM |
RXMD Progressive Care Inc. | really nice day today, hope it cont | 03/17/2016 10:41:31 PM |
NNRX Nutranomics, Inc. | Filed for an NT-10Q today... 15 cal | 03/17/2016 10:38:47 PM |
OCLG Oncologix Tech Inc | Yes I agree (1) | 03/17/2016 10:22:10 PM |
OCLG Oncologix Tech Inc | great day today. Had a solid close | 03/17/2016 9:19:31 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | I tried to pick up another 400K tod | 03/17/2016 9:17:32 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | New tweet about meetings! (1) | 03/17/2016 2:00:29 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | Don't converted prefers have certai (1) | 03/16/2016 2:00:47 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | I could care less for the "Joe Pesc (4) | 03/11/2016 9:57:22 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | well my apologies, now TDA is showi (5) | 03/10/2016 5:36:05 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | sorry all you want buddy, TDA, OTC, (1) | 03/10/2016 5:13:07 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | I respectfully disagree Jeff, my TD (1) | 03/10/2016 4:52:02 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | why are you trying to stop the flip (1) | 03/10/2016 4:45:11 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | $TPAC $$$$Wise, that's only a $15K (1) | 03/10/2016 11:33:33 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | lol, no flash | 03/10/2016 11:17:40 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | Just flash 5mill at 31 (1) | 03/10/2016 11:16:54 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | It's only 4.1mill bid at 30, lol (1) | 03/10/2016 11:06:14 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | Once these funds clear I will be in (3) | 03/10/2016 8:37:12 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | $TPAC Richard Branson= Virgin Galac (4) | 03/09/2016 10:13:10 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | just gonna say, GOOD JOB TODAY EVER (5) | 03/09/2016 6:31:59 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | There's always a reason someone goe (4) | 03/08/2016 8:28:28 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | good news, I have seen someone on t (1) | 03/08/2016 3:20:01 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | Remember there is also a BOD to hol (5) | 03/07/2016 7:44:05 PM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | then yes you | 03/07/2016 9:30:12 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | lol, yes it does! | 03/07/2016 9:24:04 AM |
TPAC Trans-Pacific Aerospace | Now they are waiting for the paint | 03/04/2016 3:47:06 PM |