TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I've gone thru too many keyboards e | 05/02/2017 2:06:22 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | No porblem. Too bad on LIE HUB they | 05/02/2017 1:44:33 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | May I suggest all longs go to the p | 05/02/2017 11:05:12 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Anvil is a career criminal. From IH | 05/02/2017 10:20:40 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | looks like you haven't yet figured | 05/02/2017 9:17:39 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | tdbowieknife Member Level Monday, M | 05/02/2017 1:08:08 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I'm looking at new cars on Craigsli | 05/01/2017 11:02:25 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | TD is so heavy in shorts in TECO an | 05/01/2017 10:46:24 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | tdbowieknife Member Level Monday, 0 | 05/01/2017 10:42:19 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Looks like no one took the Financia (1) | 05/01/2017 9:42:50 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | He sure didn't use it to fix stupid (1) | 05/01/2017 5:43:55 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Spent it on Anvil ??? IDK ... lol (1) | 05/01/2017 1:09:34 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | 10,000,000 x $ .03 = $ 300,000 US D | 05/01/2017 12:15:36 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | SHould be an interesting week. It's | 05/01/2017 9:34:07 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Gotta fight shorted like TD and tha | 05/01/2017 12:58:49 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Bashers are coming here from the ot (1) | 04/30/2017 10:27:34 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Good one boiler ..... Bum's post ha (1) | 04/30/2017 10:18:10 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Audits of the financials will be $7 | 04/30/2017 9:11:12 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | He probably allows TD to keep it an | 04/30/2017 9:07:35 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | LOL ... Post GO TECO and they remov | 04/30/2017 8:49:30 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | All he is is a 50 cent per post bas | 04/30/2017 8:47:23 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Now the idiot is sending me PM's li | 04/30/2017 8:13:54 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Sent By: Miner49er Taco boy, did no | 04/30/2017 7:43:46 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Absolutely and hte panic has hit a | 04/30/2017 7:38:57 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I get a mere fraction of that and I | 04/30/2017 7:35:18 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I heard he is already seeking Bankr (1) | 04/30/2017 7:34:11 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I love the attention and htis only | 04/30/2017 7:32:22 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | One thing I am confused about the 3 | 04/30/2017 5:16:38 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Miner still sending personal love . | 04/30/2017 5:11:28 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | how does Anvil / Miner49er fit into | 04/30/2017 3:50:43 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Funny how when sending PM's Miners (1) | 04/29/2017 8:57:08 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I got a PM from Anvil / Miner a few | 04/29/2017 7:38:34 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | We will be most happy when we can p (1) | 04/29/2017 7:34:13 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Miner49er ... I am saddened to tell | 04/29/2017 5:58:07 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | JUST A REMINDER TO ALL SHAREHOLDERS | 04/29/2017 5:53:52 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | What ever that lying SOS TDBOWIEKNI | 04/29/2017 5:09:01 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Lying TD's signature ..... I expose | 04/29/2017 1:30:38 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | This next week should be interestin | 04/29/2017 1:08:18 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I don't even think this idiot knew | 04/29/2017 12:43:06 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Guys, a little help getting this As | 04/28/2017 10:19:36 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Sent By: Miner49er Jusr FYI, Dlog h | 04/28/2017 10:18:05 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I'm here to make some money and if | 04/28/2017 9:19:29 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | So Taco boy, let's meet at Pangea a | 04/28/2017 8:55:03 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I'm begining to think TD isn't even (1) | 04/28/2017 7:41:23 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Rhonda ( against ) is stalking me o | 04/28/2017 6:05:01 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | He also a Financail Advisor and Tax | 04/28/2017 3:53:47 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | He secretly sent him a PM telling h | 04/28/2017 3:39:58 PM |
CEGX Cardinal Energy Group Inc. | This stock has potential if it wern | 04/28/2017 1:50:12 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Why would an investor that knows li | 04/28/2017 12:14:00 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Not that there is anything wrong wi | 04/28/2017 9:48:21 AM |