OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Second that.... GO OWCP | 10/12/2017 8:06:17 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | My timing was terrible. Added again | 10/12/2017 12:12:41 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | We have volume everyday, means some (1) | 10/12/2017 7:34:27 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | We have had many topics that were d (15) | 10/06/2017 11:20:11 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | If it is with RUKU, it is considere (1) | 10/05/2017 7:39:54 AM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Seems like volume is more than yest | 10/03/2017 1:03:59 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | The cat has cancer, can not move. l | 10/02/2017 7:30:29 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Last friday, the drop started just | 10/02/2017 11:42:00 AM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | It was a good week, nonetheless. OW (1) | 09/29/2017 5:54:36 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | In other word, you earned 35k and c (1) | 09/29/2017 1:59:08 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Volume is already a million and it | 09/29/2017 9:55:02 AM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Longs are adding and or new buyers. | 09/29/2017 9:52:50 AM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Right...Read your post #10835. (2) | 09/28/2017 7:25:45 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Some dude just outsmart himself. Wo | 09/28/2017 11:56:24 AM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | OWCP used to release news on weds. | 09/26/2017 2:07:55 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | We need serious statement from APPL (2) | 09/22/2017 5:41:30 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | lol | 09/12/2017 7:52:23 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | I remember when buying a house, tha (5) | 09/11/2017 6:35:21 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Would like to see .30/or above to c | 09/11/2017 3:46:46 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Much has been said about this appro (2) | 09/11/2017 2:58:55 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Wrong board. sorry | 09/11/2017 2:58:10 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | s/b no fear... | 09/02/2017 3:19:10 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Yeah... whatever happened to the "t | 09/02/2017 10:42:32 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | That is right. Last week it was 46% (1) | 09/02/2017 9:44:28 AM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Great ...the slow upward momentum w | 09/01/2017 8:26:18 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Good day. Would like to see a good | 08/31/2017 5:12:31 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Perfect for a curve ball. But watch (1) | 08/31/2017 10:06:17 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | If it is possible, NTEK should move (1) | 08/25/2017 10:58:19 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | With many SHs wishing/asking for re (3) | 08/19/2017 6:41:48 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Dang.... | 08/17/2017 12:47:05 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Stop. Better yet post screen shot b | 08/17/2017 6:02:58 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Ty. | 08/16/2017 6:27:21 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | News tomorrow or after market. GO O | 08/16/2017 3:57:55 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Something must be good. GO OWCP | 08/16/2017 3:49:57 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Axims bad day continues. | 08/14/2017 1:49:11 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | 61% naked shorts...I am perplexed. | 08/11/2017 8:42:58 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Good post Dennyd. I like particular (4) | 08/06/2017 7:16:58 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Dennyd.... What is your take to the (2) | 08/05/2017 7:25:03 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | "Per IR the release of 3.0 is not | 08/05/2017 3:33:22 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Yeah.. it seems it is is ok from th (1) | 08/05/2017 11:29:40 AM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | Lol.... (2) | 08/04/2017 9:37:38 AM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | And you never made a wrong call.. r (1) | 08/02/2017 5:07:26 PM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | HOD. More volume needed. Many many | 08/02/2017 11:43:02 AM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | These minions are employees. Any ki (3) | 08/01/2017 9:19:30 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Interesting. Narrative has changed (2) | 07/27/2017 8:03:49 AM |
OWCP OWC Pharmaceutical Research Corp. | When you do I trust you will contin | 07/26/2017 4:10:14 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | When was this $21mil all started. D (2) | 07/26/2017 3:10:08 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Maybe IG knew more than what has be | 07/24/2017 1:35:24 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Welcome back AlanC. PMC was perfect (2) | 07/21/2017 8:05:02 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Write a summary of the email. Thank | 07/21/2017 4:04:46 PM |