IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | I asked that and VUMC and Steve sai | 06/09/2013 9:49:02 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Who is deleting Insane ? Admin ? | 06/09/2013 9:46:56 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | k | 06/09/2013 9:45:15 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Still missing a bunch of folks...2 | 06/09/2013 9:43:42 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I wanted to respond to your post ov | 06/09/2013 9:40:29 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | get on with it kow boy ! | 06/09/2013 9:37:15 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | :) LOL BAM :) | 06/09/2013 9:31:30 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | There is a bunch that has not showe | 06/09/2013 9:26:54 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Bashers are on the sidelines...thin | 06/09/2013 9:25:37 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | They are doing a good job don't you | 06/09/2013 9:22:15 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | :( hurry back ? | 06/09/2013 9:21:02 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | I know ! I am hoping second shift k | 06/09/2013 9:18:58 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | yeah happened yet. | 06/09/2013 9:17:39 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | # 5 and gaining ! Good job guys ! K | 06/09/2013 9:12:41 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Do not respond to any of the basher | 06/09/2013 9:09:44 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | All the airports have been internat | 06/09/2013 9:06:30 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | We are in 3 airports now and 9 more | 06/09/2013 9:05:24 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Smiley face a : then do | 06/09/2013 9:03:24 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | YUP ! We are missing a pile of folk | 06/09/2013 8:59:04 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | We are missing about 16 members ! W | 06/09/2013 8:54:02 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Big Dummies is what I call them ! | 06/09/2013 8:51:53 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | I am out of member... | 06/09/2013 8:43:52 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | needs work ?...LOL | 06/09/2013 7:36:48 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | :) | 06/09/2013 7:12:59 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Tomorrow is Today...:) | 06/09/2013 11:00:43 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | The Doubters will soon be Believers | 06/09/2013 10:58:18 AM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | WOW !! You guys are Great ! | 06/09/2013 10:43:41 AM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | They are all cool ! I like this one | 06/08/2013 9:34:10 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Don't they know this is fixing to b | 06/08/2013 8:02:36 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Where is everyone ? | 06/08/2013 8:01:44 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | It still looks like people are comi | 06/08/2013 7:41:48 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Those of you that has received my m | 06/08/2013 7:31:55 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | It is fun to post what you want her | 06/08/2013 7:17:41 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | I would like All longs to PM me whe | 06/08/2013 7:14:32 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | LOL !!!! HELP !!!!! | 06/08/2013 7:11:24 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | comp see's something dif | 06/08/2013 7:06:24 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Oh MAnn, You don't like the Gift Ba | 06/08/2013 12:11:18 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Any of you hot shots figure out wha | 06/08/2013 12:03:59 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Some use a different Screen names f | 06/08/2013 11:51:32 AM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | A lot....wanna keep a secret ? | 06/07/2013 9:09:58 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | hey | 06/07/2013 8:58:17 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Steve, does this mean we do not gen | 06/07/2013 7:40:31 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | LOLOLOL BASHERS....LOOK !!! | 06/07/2013 7:38:27 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | This gives me a lot of confidence ! | 06/07/2013 7:37:33 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Wait Wait !!! I have a question !! | 06/07/2013 7:34:40 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | I have been trading about 16 years | 06/07/2013 2:33:34 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | An intentional Ploy ? Big number In | 06/07/2013 2:09:08 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | Seeing VERT on the ask is a real bu | 06/07/2013 1:48:10 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Only thing to fear is FEAR itself | 06/07/2013 12:27:17 PM |
IMTV Imagination TV, Inc. | All shareholders would like that ! | 06/07/2013 12:26:09 PM |