TALK Talkspace Inc. | Thanks! Cheers to that :) (3) | 05/23/2016 11:53:50 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Just for the record I am not frustr (2) | 05/23/2016 11:30:58 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Ya poor Wilma. She needs to stop at (4) | 05/23/2016 11:12:33 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Your right! Please forgive me for m | 05/21/2016 7:13:05 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | My potential pps targets based on o | 05/21/2016 5:38:42 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I guess I came on a bit strong? I j (1) | 05/21/2016 4:49:27 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Rules for Successful Bashing: 1. Be (2) | 05/21/2016 3:27:34 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | The Bashers Handbook IS IT EASIER T (3) | 05/21/2016 3:22:11 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Illegal Naked Short Selling Appears | 05/21/2016 3:02:12 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | LMAO Look who is calling the kettle (1) | 05/21/2016 2:09:57 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Well it was a stupid question anywa (1) | 05/21/2016 1:48:42 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I've been thinking that way also. M (2) | 05/21/2016 12:01:42 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Would so luv it if shorty burns big | 05/21/2016 11:17:52 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | JMO we get filings Monday morning : | 05/21/2016 11:09:01 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Holding my golden tickets tight :) | 05/20/2016 4:19:28 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | TALK about to rock! Cheers to the w (2) | 05/20/2016 4:18:17 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | My Happy Friday Face! investorshang (1) | 05/20/2016 10:23:47 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Filings will put an end to these sh (5) | 05/20/2016 10:12:13 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I agree the personal attacking need (1) | 05/20/2016 8:37:32 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Fins are coming no matter what. Jus (1) | 05/20/2016 12:14:06 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Monday morning is coming fast now. | 05/19/2016 10:09:54 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | So Petterson and beer$$money are wo (1) | 05/19/2016 10:09:08 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I'm going to keep my fingers crosse (1) | 05/19/2016 11:49:34 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | When I looked up the definition for (1) | 05/19/2016 11:28:16 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Could they have paid off the loan i | 05/19/2016 11:22:30 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | IMO it is this ridiculously low pps | 05/19/2016 10:34:25 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | (6) | 05/19/2016 10:24:38 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Ya that was a lame forgery. He's bu | 05/19/2016 10:03:54 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Is there anyway we can change the v (8) | 05/19/2016 9:49:18 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Who gave you the thumbs down that i | 05/19/2016 8:26:29 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Personally I am not frustrated with (1) | 05/19/2016 8:20:31 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | True! The 800 milly was spread out (2) | 05/19/2016 8:08:35 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Oops! Thanks for catching that :) (1) | 05/18/2016 8:35:51 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | JMO we get a filing Monday open or | 05/18/2016 8:31:38 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | ZAMMMMM can we redo the stickies. I (1) | 05/18/2016 7:55:55 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | In retrospect maybe your on to some | 05/18/2016 7:51:32 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Thanks for the tip! Personally I am (1) | 05/18/2016 7:36:22 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Personally I am really happy the co (2) | 05/18/2016 7:11:09 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I think it goes without saying that (2) | 05/18/2016 6:31:58 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Thanks. I hope you change your mind (1) | 05/18/2016 5:38:31 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Geesh why the broom up the butt pos (1) | 05/18/2016 5:19:06 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | The more I think about it pb you ar (1) | 05/18/2016 12:16:11 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | That's true! I guess it all could h | 05/18/2016 11:04:36 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | On June 5th, vol = 884,702,640 On S (1) | 05/18/2016 10:44:27 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I never said fraud. I just said som (1) | 05/18/2016 10:35:05 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Before 9/28 > | 05/18/2016 10:27:18 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Out of 255 trading days YTD we had | 05/18/2016 10:22:06 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | If someone is still holding those s (1) | 05/18/2016 10:19:31 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Really? I said don't play games wit | 05/18/2016 10:11:13 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Oh please I watched the whole thing | 05/18/2016 10:07:29 AM |