VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Zoom still has that “Teflon” im (5) | 04/13/2020 1:42:47 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I wonder if anyone might consider t (7) | 04/11/2020 10:59:02 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Just so (10) | 04/09/2020 12:01:35 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Market is closed on Friday, get tho (8) | 04/08/2020 9:17:28 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Perhaps one day we will have a dedi (10) | 04/08/2020 3:52:29 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (9) | 04/08/2020 2:11:32 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Short I (7) | 04/08/2020 11:56:13 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I just saw that the market has forg (9) | 04/08/2020 11:13:03 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (8) | 04/07/2020 6:47:13 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | My niece is a nurse at a busy hospi (8) | 04/07/2020 6:46:17 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Excellent job there, just keep push (7) | 04/07/2020 2:02:48 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (10) | 04/07/2020 10:12:34 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (8) | 04/05/2020 4:36:29 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (9) | 04/05/2020 4:18:43 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (11) | 04/05/2020 3:38:12 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I really believe that Verb Live wil (14) | 04/05/2020 10:11:44 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Besides extreme security breakdowns (11) | 04/04/2020 9:13:03 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | As the Grateful Dead sang “what a (6) | 04/03/2020 11:32:38 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Excellent post there, Mr. Redspeed. (10) | 04/02/2020 8:03:14 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (9) | 04/02/2020 7:47:25 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Our Warrants have never experienced (10) | 04/01/2020 2:22:59 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (8) | 03/30/2020 11:22:05 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (10) | 03/30/2020 11:03:26 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Perfect, now I’m off to work to p (5) | 03/29/2020 2:08:18 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (10) | 03/29/2020 11:30:54 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I think it would be a wonderful ser (13) | 03/28/2020 11:34:16 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I sure hope they have captured the (12) | 03/27/2020 8:51:13 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Outstanding update, and I very much (7) | 03/27/2020 3:59:25 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Excellent !! Hope they leave it up (9) | 03/25/2020 11:35:06 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Hope they are advertising Nancy H (9) | 03/25/2020 11:26:04 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Well said Matz ! Very rare to find (14) | 03/21/2020 1:43:25 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | 5.2 magnitude hit SLC at 7:09, and (4) | 03/18/2020 10:10:39 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | They are advertising for Telehealth (6) | 03/18/2020 8:08:59 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Verb Company reads this MB. Bsr (5) | 03/17/2020 4:22:21 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Is this a perfect time to be pushin (6) | 03/17/2020 1:44:27 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (8) | 03/17/2020 11:57:54 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (9) | 03/12/2020 8:41:14 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I am practicing WB’s, long standi (9) | 03/12/2020 12:59:28 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (9) | 03/11/2020 1:45:44 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Plus I particularly love the clause (11) | 03/10/2020 4:33:38 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | The right time, right place, the be (11) | 03/10/2020 3:26:01 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Nice Soft Bash pard...... You are h (13) | 03/07/2020 2:09:28 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Might have even left them with the (8) | 03/05/2020 8:51:05 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Any speculation when this portion o (4) | 03/05/2020 8:39:47 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | What do you know about this present (11) | 03/05/2020 7:56:01 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I (11) | 03/05/2020 2:37:22 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | (8) | 03/05/2020 9:30:30 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | They might be waiting for the 10k, (6) | 03/04/2020 12:38:09 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Strong volume, in this first half h (5) | 03/04/2020 10:09:57 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Pleas excuse my lack of knowledge ( (7) | 03/03/2020 1:10:03 PM |