The Bridge | It pays to Kill your own Oil > > Pu (1) | 03/04/2022 2:46:55 PM |
The Bridge | America the Beautiful https://youtu (1) | 03/04/2022 2:43:29 PM |
The Bridge | Killing America's Oil was the Best | 03/04/2022 8:10:58 AM |
The Bridge | I can just see the outrage coming f | 03/03/2022 10:30:47 PM |
The Bridge | Sh + iT = Biden | 03/03/2022 8:55:28 PM |
The Bridge | Trump explodes at Reuters reporter | 03/03/2022 8:54:33 PM |
The Bridge | The only thing you know is what som | 03/03/2022 5:19:19 PM |
The Bridge | Biden Makes Pinocchio look like a (2) | 03/02/2022 6:58:09 AM |
The Bridge | Again another time can't own up to | 03/02/2022 6:57:33 AM |
The Bridge | Liar > Biden | 03/01/2022 10:06:25 PM |
The Bridge | US on track to encounter record 2 m (1) | 03/01/2022 10:01:19 PM |
The Bridge | JOE Biden has called to "redirect" | 03/01/2022 9:58:24 PM |
The Bridge | Joe Biden Used Tax-Code Loophole Ob | 03/01/2022 9:50:36 PM |
The Bridge | Sh + IT = Biden | 03/01/2022 8:40:06 PM |
The Bridge | Stand by whatever you want puTzz ju | 03/01/2022 8:37:08 PM |
The Bridge | Sh + iT = Biden | 02/28/2022 8:49:31 PM |
The Bridge | So puTzz how do get what you posted | 02/28/2022 8:48:17 PM |
The Bridge | A brutal poll number for Joe Biden | 02/28/2022 8:33:28 PM |
The Bridge | How Democratic presidents Clinton, | 02/27/2022 9:23:36 PM |
The Bridge | SH + IT = Biden | 02/27/2022 7:49:47 AM |
The Bridge | Trump SLAMS Countries for Not Payin (1) | 02/27/2022 7:32:16 AM |
The Bridge | Strangest Thing I've Found In a Sla (1) | 02/26/2022 6:48:08 PM |
The Bridge | Fire + Epoxy ============ https://y | 02/26/2022 4:07:56 PM |
The Bridge | Trump SLAMS Countries for Not Payin | 02/26/2022 1:10:50 PM |
The Bridge | I was thinking the same thing. What (2) | 02/25/2022 7:55:37 PM |
The Bridge | It is interesting how music affects (1) | 02/25/2022 4:58:28 PM |
The Bridge | It's kind of weird this son made me | 02/25/2022 4:46:11 PM |
The Bridge | What did Winston Churchill say abou (1) | 02/25/2022 4:09:05 PM |
The Bridge | Before The Next Teardrop Falls http (1) | 02/25/2022 7:07:58 AM |
The Bridge | That is funny ! | 02/24/2022 8:12:36 PM |
The Bridge | If the CBA digital identity were in | 02/24/2022 4:31:14 PM |
The Bridge | Hmm quiet i will have to kick aroun | 02/24/2022 3:41:59 PM |
The Bridge | Oh don't worry about gas there wore | 02/24/2022 9:53:23 AM |
The Bridge | I wish Trump was Wrong At least we (1) | 02/24/2022 8:14:09 AM |
The Bridge | What NO Tears ? ? ? ? ? ? | 02/24/2022 8:10:16 AM |
The Bridge | I'm glad I waterproofed my keyboard | 02/24/2022 7:50:31 AM |
The Bridge | Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96% Under | 02/23/2022 2:17:14 PM |
The Bridge | Following are details of Russian oi | 02/23/2022 11:19:31 AM |
The Bridge | U.S becomes a major oil supplier to | 02/23/2022 9:07:38 AM |
The Bridge | Leo are the Republicans Tanking the | 02/23/2022 8:27:42 AM |
The Bridge | At the very end were the 3 guys do (1) | 02/22/2022 8:21:53 AM |
The Bridge | Seattle Police Department strugglin | 02/22/2022 7:29:54 AM |
The Bridge | How America Failed in Afghanistan h | 02/21/2022 8:48:16 PM |
The Bridge | So puTzz are moving to Canada ? ? i | 02/21/2022 8:39:50 PM |
The Bridge | FLASHBACK: Trudeau Praises China 'D (2) | 02/21/2022 10:34:09 AM |
The Bridge | Did you look at the stock price the | 02/20/2022 1:24:33 PM |
The Bridge | Take a look at people in 1960's and | 02/20/2022 1:18:03 PM |
The Bridge | The thing is that Trudeau would wil | 02/20/2022 1:09:08 PM |
The Bridge | STOP Your F - ing " LYING " that is | 02/20/2022 9:03:50 AM |
The Bridge | Bob Marley & The Wailers - Stir It | 02/19/2022 1:42:12 PM |