The Bridge | Simply Red - Holding Back The Years (1) | 04/03/2023 10:34:26 PM |
The Bridge | Cowboy Junkies - Sweet Jane https:/ (1) | 04/03/2023 9:07:02 PM |
The Bridge | America & Russia ================= | 04/03/2023 9:01:30 PM |
The Bridge | You Tards L O L kneeslap to funny w | 04/02/2023 5:47:01 PM |
The Bridge | Know one is confused by your words, | 04/02/2023 3:22:40 PM |
The Bridge | I like the way they take and pour g | 04/02/2023 11:13:41 AM |
The Bridge | I can see Bragg's saying that Ameri | 04/01/2023 10:38:55 PM |
The Bridge | Me, I'm a realist and I'm laughing (2) | 04/01/2023 10:31:27 PM |
The Bridge | Ms. Pelosi mistakenly says that Tru (2) | 04/01/2023 10:58:39 AM |
The Bridge | puTzz . . puTzzz . . puTzzzz you ar | 03/31/2023 6:38:42 PM |
The Bridge | You can blame a sick dem party. But | 03/30/2023 11:48:53 PM |
The Bridge | I see you Tards are popping out the (1) | 03/30/2023 10:58:44 PM |
The Bridge | puTzz nothing will come of this eit | 03/30/2023 10:57:03 PM |
The Bridge | It is hard to rap your mind around | 03/30/2023 10:52:53 PM |
The Bridge | By By American Pie | 03/30/2023 9:48:57 PM |
The Bridge | Is Saudi Arabia accepting Chinese m | 03/30/2023 9:39:14 PM |
The Bridge | China permits two new coal power pl | 03/28/2023 2:46:19 PM |
The Bridge | Gimme Shelter (The Rolling Stones) (1) | 03/27/2023 10:26:35 PM |
The Bridge | Chinese-American bank 'willingly' p | 03/27/2023 8:43:30 PM |
The Bridge | Cracker Barrel becomes latest compa (2) | 03/26/2023 5:36:13 PM |
The Bridge | Headshake Salty you misspelled TARD (1) | 03/26/2023 5:28:20 PM |
The Bridge | Trump Administration Accomplishmen | 03/26/2023 11:55:34 AM |
The Bridge | L O L Soros's wet dream just turned | 03/26/2023 9:04:07 AM |
The Bridge | Johnny Rivers - Cupid https://youtu (1) | 03/25/2023 9:50:51 PM |
The Bridge | Kinda interesting the Biden's reviv (2) | 03/25/2023 9:32:44 PM |
The Bridge | $1.7-billion payment to Iran was al (3) | 03/25/2023 4:20:38 PM |
The Bridge | Russian oil executive dies in fall | 03/25/2023 2:09:19 PM |
The Bridge | Velvet Revolver - Dirty Little Thin (2) | 03/23/2023 10:37:33 PM |
The Bridge | I'm so temped to go over there and (1) | 03/23/2023 3:36:41 PM |
The Bridge | Looks for a BLM protest today. >> N | 03/23/2023 9:20:38 AM |
The Bridge | The Orange Buffoon President Trump | 03/23/2023 8:30:58 AM |
The Bridge | Why is Brooklyn Center Walmart clos | 03/23/2023 8:09:31 AM |
The Bridge | Stone Temple Pilots - Revolution (B (1) | 03/23/2023 12:08:51 AM |
The Bridge | puTzz why all the foul mouth son ? | 03/22/2023 10:34:15 PM |
The Bridge | I think he put it out there to draw | 03/21/2023 10:29:42 PM |
The Bridge | L O L puTzz .Your a Liar and everyo | 03/21/2023 8:21:12 PM |
The Bridge | Could you find another more degener (3) | 03/21/2023 11:47:32 AM |
The Bridge | puTzz Jr This User Has You On Ignor | 03/21/2023 11:40:29 AM |
The Bridge | Biden killed oil | 03/21/2023 9:45:32 AM |
The Bridge | Stone Temple Pilots - Sour Girl htt | 03/21/2023 8:07:45 AM |
The Bridge | Tards popping out the woodwork htt | 03/21/2023 8:00:10 AM |
The Bridge | puTzz My boy well tell me what is N | 03/20/2023 9:06:38 PM |
The Bridge | Jewel - Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppe (2) | 03/20/2023 9:02:49 PM |
The Bridge | Soros. has been kicked out of his o (1) | 03/20/2023 8:24:14 PM |
The Bridge | U.S. Border Patrol reported a spike (2) | 03/20/2023 8:04:14 PM |
The Bridge | Lets see killed oil opened the bord (1) | 03/20/2023 2:09:59 PM |
The Bridge | The Fed took Trump’s advice on in (1) | 03/18/2023 10:59:10 AM |
The Bridge | Trump says he expects to be arreste | 03/18/2023 10:38:26 AM |
The Bridge | The military should have taken over (1) | 03/17/2023 7:23:01 PM |
The Bridge | 250 business burned in Minneapolis | 03/17/2023 2:10:16 PM |