I am the first to admit my guesstimate that CTIX could possibly replicate the aftermath of R&R conference Sept 2012 (60% gain 2 weeks following the event) was way off. I posted we might even see $3.75 by the end of Sept. Honestly, there was more positive news released at R&R 2013, trials are actually moving forward and we are inching closer to that all important Kevetrin Phase 1 results. Who knows what effect the trading anomaly of September 9th had on the potential stock run up, which may have occurred following the conference? Breaking in to the CTIX presentation, posting slides prior to the conference, "forcing" Leo and Dr Menon to discuss p21 before they were ready . . . all this led to a wild and "unnatural" sequence of Monday morning buying . . . followed by Monday afternoon selling (many by people on this board looking to lock in a dime). If you were a serious investor and saw this activity, would you be looking to make a significant investment in a stock that (on this occasion) looks like a "pump and dump?" I am not that "sophisticated" . . . but, I sure as heck wouldn't. So, here we stand . . . range-bound back in the $1.90 vicinity. And, the future value of CTIX . . . who knows? My guessing days are over.
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