Good Morning, Zach! I am so happy to see you posting over here more often, as there's a bunch of great & positive people posting over here! I really like what you & wantingtoretire are talking about here! I got one small sell order for .05 for 20k shares, just to put a grand in my checking account for first of the month bills, etc, and another small sell order of 50k shares @ .10, just to get $5000 so's I can start st trading & flipping some other plays, til we get back to normal trading on this one! For all of any free money that I have had has been tied up in KMAG til she runs! So, my trigger finger is gettin' kinda stiff from lack of use! LOL! GOD BLESS YOU BROE, and all of the other good people on this forum! And especially JR! Jaime