Posting on Investorshub and Investorshangout. See
Post# of 45510

Posting on Investorshub and Investorshangout.
See FB Page for Short Traders. Someone once called Steve "Stevie Wonder." I have a new name for Steve. Steve Austin - The Six Million Dollar Man. Imagine a bionic Honey Badger. Able to connect hundreds of airports with a single switch. Capable of moving from comedy to movies,and add a TV station in a single blink. Builds revenue streams with international celebrities and club reservation organizations while others sleep. Takes abuse and smiles while he's taking it, knowing he's holding the can opener to 50 tons of kicking you know what. Builds a group of followers who display loyalty in the face of bashers. Lastly, never gets a wrinkle in his white shirt while all this is happening.
In my opinion, it's a fizzle now, a river soon, and the power of Niagara Falls at full tilt. Got my shares and have been holding them like an eagle with a hunt in the claws. Steve has said he feels like the kid who knows what everyone is getting for Christmas. Well, "not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse."
Get professional advice and do your own homework. All here is my personal opinion.
Honey Badger #99