Well PatientGal can, and has explained why that probably wouldn't happen,,, as BMSN would rather Sell or License each "Patient & "Drug"",,, but I'll put it this way,, "Just to say"
if a BUY OUT happened when BMSN has Both FDA IND actually in Trials,, and each During Trials worth over 1 Billion each..... = the PPS would be
$2 per share with the O/S @ 2 Billion ,,, but to BUY OUT BMSN at that point would be 5x to 10x that = $10 to $20 per share...
After the Trail PROVE SUCCESSFUL = OVER $100+++per share!!! This WILL be THE WAY people get Healed in the Future in an over a Trillion $$ Market and for the Next Few Decades!! This is WHY I am spending a LOTTA time in DD and Everyday here & in IHUB BMSN & the Top Board Rooms Posting!!
These ArRre couple of HUGE, HUGE, GIGANTIC Scientific Break-thrus!!! .....BMSN OWNS THEM!! ...so when the Bashers Tell us That BMSN
Can't ,,, tell them
WE, BMSN, arRre Gonna DO IT!! Push Play for "Able" !!!