here is a post from drken on the other board it is
Post# of 1039
I started the day by getting a status update from CEO Ronnie Adams. Read On. Since then I have re-read ALL of the MDHI reports submitted to the SEC by MDHI management this calendar year. My intent was to get current on all of the survival difficulties that occurred in 2011 and the transactions that have transpired from mid-2011 until now. I wanted to understand why the 2011 audit-fiscal report was taking so long. I examined the FORM 8-K (2/5/2013) where the January 31st conference call was detailed. Very enlightening! Then I spent hours examining the FORM 8-K (2/12/2013) where the (unaudited) 2011 and partial-2012 financials were presented along with a seven-page, detailed presentation of ISSUANCE HISTORY of the combination of 1) promissory notes, 2) convertible stock, 3) warrants, and 4) other debt details.
My summary of the 2011 fiscal -report delays is this: I’m truly amazed that any person or even a small team could untangle that mess. The fact that MDHI survived 2011-2012 is all to the credit of a very focused, financial-operational expert. Ronnie Adams untangled the mess and reassembled the positive aspects of a company like nothing I’ve ever witnessed before. And that’s coming from a consultant who spent the last twenty years being inserted into skilled project teams that had lost their focus and were headed for ruin. I was the leader of last resort! And many were the times I needed a few more months to turn a project around. And I don’t hold a candle to what Ronnie has accomplished for us in the last few years.
I have been in frequent contact with the CEO of MDHI for over a year, and he has never lied to me. I trust him with a lot of my money. I respect him more than any manager I’ve ever encountered and look forward to the day when I can meet him and personally thank him for helping me create wealth . Just thought you should know an experience opinion of the captain of our ship. When he succeeds, we all succeed. It’s coming soon