Your Nation will do very well! I haven't done a Flex 450 in MPIX and have no desire to do so. Already up almost 2,000% since the lows of Oct where many of my friends began loading. Many will begin going long term for capital gains shortly. And the real news of the MPIX global entertainment monster that Victor Siegel, Saul Federman, and Rick Garson are building hasn't even started yet. You know my thoughts about where this stock will be a few more months out. Those those bought over the last couple of weeks in the .007s/.008s and sold for a quick 50%, great for them. With a bit more patience, they could have had new highs which I believe will get to .0885 over the next four weeks. Nothing wrong with a 50% gain, but we'll be sitting on gains from .0008 of more than 100 bags while waiting for a lot more later this year and out. Not sure if we'll duplicate the move a few had with DROP about 2.5 years ago. That gem ran from .0015 to 1.25 over 18 months. The difference is that MPIX will have the revenues to hold the stock up rather than collapse as DROP did after its move. Anyway, everyone has to invest and trade the way they feel comfortable with. We are all in the market to make money.