Stellar News!…and the Disappointment Continues for HIMR
Hollund Industrial Marine (OTCPink: HIMR) had their best month ever as news goes. Finally a concession! Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears with the technical debacle of the OTC Market Channel, coupled with the fact that it came out on a news service that failed to hit the majority of platforms.
Seems like with their good luck came a ton of bad luck! Most people expected the stock to be trading higher, at the .0002 x .0003 range by week’s end. However, bid support was wiped out almost daily, leaving shareholders and potential shareholders shaking their heads.
So where does this leave us? …wondering what the heck is going on. If you release the best news you’ve had in the Company’s history and bid support gets wiped out again. Really, WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?
The disappointment continues!
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