I agree. What we have going on over at criminally
Post# of 7153

I agree. What we have going on over at criminally owned and operated ISCAM is the following: (1) you have a mod named CanonTrader who is bashing the stock and sitting on the bid lower trying collect shares by fooling long shareholders into selling shares in a panic. He is nothing but a POS shady flipper. (2) you have two POS mods LIABLE and WARMACHINE who are shorting the stock and/or work for the Vancouver hedge fund who is shorting (confirmed via PMs to longs by Liable himself) the stock trying to get longs to sell to them so they can cover their short position lower.
GOOD NEWS. Longs are not buying any of these two factions making up BS lies to either flip shares or cover short positions. They are just low lifes who make a living trying to steal money from retail investors. We are all much smarter than these POS criminals realize and they are not going to have much success either way.
FYI - I would like to personally thank whomever it was who sold their shares today at 0.0009. I was able to pickup the majority of those shares and you can now kiss good bye another 2.5M shares from the float that is now locked for pennies per share. THANK YOU.
Mr. PhilCheeze

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