Symbol "Open Price" "Close Price" Intra-Day Change
Post# of 553
Symbol "Open Price" "Close Price" Intra-Day Change Number of Trades Number of Trades Above Closing Price "Today's % Losing Trades" Volume "Volume Above
Price" "Today's
% Losing Volume" "Vol ($,000s)" "Today's Losing Vol ($,000s)" Average Price Average Change "Volume Above Average
Price" % Volume Above Average Price Symbol
AMMX .0064 .0056 -.0008 183 162 88.52% 22,636,714 20,935,866 92.49% 140 132 .00618 -.00058 18,292,655 80.81% AMMX
ARTH .515 .50 -.015 674 446 66.17% 1,847,969 1,264,821 68.44% 947 651 .50955 -.00955 698,161 37.78% ARTH
BLBK .065 .055 -.01 33 23 69.70% 390,744 177,663 45.47% 22 11 .05712 -.00212 177,663 45.47% BLBK
CLNO .231 .226 -.005 33 29 87.88% 132,025 121,964 92.38% 31 29 .23486 -.00886 66,150 50.10% CLNO
GBEN .0169 .0076 -.0093 246 235 95.53% 8,676,135 7,263,635 83.72% 98 91 .012 -.0044 4,023,387 46.37% GBEN
HALB .0133 .0127 -.0006 28 23 82.14% 6,682,800 4,474,800 66.96% 87 59 .01303 -.00033 2,357,300 35.27% HALB
HIMR .0002 .0001 -.0001 79 39 49.37% 529,693,022 85,646,427 16.17% 17 47 .00011 -.00001 85,646,427 16.17% HIMR
IALS .12 .135 .015 23 1 4.35% 60,592 850 1.40% 9 1 .14839 -.01339 850 1.40% IALS
NHYT .0538 .06 .0062 393 29 7.38% 6,196,459 337,625 5.45% 346 21 .05559 .00441 2,754,547 44.45% NHYT
NVLX .16 .148 -.012 239 111 46.44% 1,826,465 895,632 49.04% 270 136 .14811 -.00011 857,632 46.96% NVLX
PEII .0074 .0082 .0008 72 51 70.83% 3,784,230 3,002,490 79.34% 38 32 .01 -.0018 600,750 15.88% PEII
PTOG .0265 .0286 .0021 12 5 41.67% 168,366 60,000 35.64% 5 2 .02887 -.00027 60,000 35.64% PTOG
PWEB .0211 .025 .0039 533 529 99.25% 5,967,452 5,883,576 98.59% 268 265 .04469 -.01969 3,080,392 51.62% PWEB
RSII .054 .05 -.004 211 170 80.57% 3,387,319 2,207,407 65.17% 180 119 .05252 -.00252 1,654,088 48.83% RSII
TQLA .759 .825 .066 514 18 3.50% 1,562,692 58,444 3.74% 1,244 48 .79487 .03013 926,616 59.30% TQLA
WNTR .18 .17 -.01 14 11 78.57% 34,025 29,025 85.30% 6 5 .17828 -.00828 29,025 85.30% WNTR
WPNV .0501 .067 .0169 49 19 38.78% 598,742 237,900 39.73% 41 17 .0672 -.0002 237,900 39.73% WPNV
XUII .539 .665 .126 5,789 153 2.64% 28,743,948 737,318 2.57% 17,585 492 .61142 .05358 16,610,388 57.79% XUII