Lots of real estate in that wheelhouse between 37
Post# of 39368

Lots of real estate in that wheelhouse between 37 to my 54 bpd on Mitchell 4... Leave mine where its at but im betting were in the middle of that range the happy medium would be 45 bpd ! I'll be satisfied with anything in the upper 30's per day happy with 40's ecstatic with anything over 50 sustained CARTWHEELS in the 60s !!!!!
Should I somehow be correct with 54 we'd be about dead on for CFP... Get US FUELS, THE POWER COMPANY ON THE HORN LAST WEEK and GET A TRUCK SCHEDULE GOIN TO GET THIS OIL TO MARKET !!!! figure on a shutdown schedule to for routine maintenance on em too if necessary ... These are the lifeblood now !