TCPS techno in their patents yet to be released...
Post# of 411

TCPS techno in their patents yet to be released....explained in layman's terms....
Imagine you buy a car and in your agreement with the "driving association"/wireless carrier, you are only able to use certain lanes on the highway due to the chip inside your car. You may be stuck in one lane and yet the two lanes next to you are completely open.
That is how the cell networks are set up now.
WiFi enabled devices are starting to break down this control.
With WiFi the chip inside your device, it looks for all available WiFi connections but they are on the SAME frequency.
Cognitive radio/software defined radio or dynamic spectrum sharing is basically a chip with software that looks for open frequencies to transmit and receive data. A device sending/receiving video will need a faster pipe where as a text message needs a tiny one.
Dynamic spectrum sharing means the chip inside the device (we all hope it's a Lycon chip someday) is constantly looking for a "open lane" to drive. Instead of just cellphones, iPads looking for an open frequency, the Next Generation of the Net, ie Web 3.0 is when all devices are connected (think cars, drones, bill boards, stop signs etc). That will require a TON of devices looking for connect and speak through the Net...all operating at different frequencies.
It is so much more than just being untethered from your wireless carrier.
The thing to watch is when/what the FCC does with this...and what TCPS is planning to do.
You could be looking at technology that will be required for ANY device that is Internet enabled.