HANGZHOU, China , July 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ - Neologic Animation Inc. (OTCBB:NANI),- (The Company), an educational software company in the People's Republic of China , is benefitting from the booming Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMPORG) industry in China with its interactive afterschool training website, "Naniya World".
Designed to support a market estimated at 100 million primary school students in China , the website engages students by adapting Flash games to explain key subject matters. The website's success lies in innovatively combining learning and having fun. Designed to be interactive, the game cultivates a student's independent learning capacity as well as develops, and fosters, creative thinking and thought processes.
"The virtual, multi-player game industry generates over $5 billion in revenue in China at the moment and will only continue to flourish," said CEO Hongxiao Zhang. "The Company is set to secure its share of the market by creatively combining education with entertainment in 'Naniya World'."
The following articles provide insight into the growing MMPORG gaming industry in China :