Investor Alert - Smarts Buy Now, It Goes $ 1 - 10
Post# of 2008

Investor Alert - Smarts Buy Now, It Goes $ 1 - 10 !!
Bio·Vegetable & Medical Marijuana & Green Tech - Terra Tech Corp - USA
Very Happy TRTC Investing For Anyone Invested !
40 Years of Family Values
The VandeVrede family, who has a rich history of Dutch Farming, successfully and responsibly operates the company in the same fashion they have for the last 40 years. Terra Tech

Edible Garden’s goal is to revolutionize the way we feed our planet. Exploitative farming practices put an unfair burden on natural resources and diminish arable land at an alarming rate. As a whole we must change the way we interact with our environment, both for the health of our planet and the health of our bodies. Edible Garden does its part by blending “technology and nature in perfect harmony”. We supplement the latest in hydroponic technologies with mother nature in order to achieve a symbiotic relationship with our natural environment. Our methods allow us to recycle water, avoid soil fumigation, deter nutrient and fertilizer runoff, as well as mitigate energy usage to produce a product that is better for our planet and better for your family.
We are looking to partner with farmers across the country who are interested in cultivation using the Edible Garden methods. A partnership with Edible Garden opens up unique relationships with stores and vendors looking for sustainable and locally grown produce. Edible Garden will provide our partners with training and support on an ongoing basis. Our goal is simple, to create a nationally recognized brand of high quality, responsible products cultivated by local growers. Together we can effect change!
Wherever you see the Edible Gardens brand you can rest assured that we are committed to caring for your community through economic growth and job creation by growing and selling our products locally and sustainably. We also give back a portion of our proceeds to local organizations that share our vision of making the world a greener and healthier place


Wherever you see the Edible Gardens brand you can rest assured that we are committed to caring for your community through economic growth and job creation by growing and selling our products locally and sustainably. We also give back a portion of our proceeds to local organizations that share our vision of making the world a greener and healthier place... : )

As fossil fuels and energy prices skyrocket, the food industry is increasingly burdened with the rising costs and resources consumed during the growing, processing, and shipping of food. In addition, as our population grows, many consumers are worried about food grown outside the U.S., and the extensive use—and hazardous health risks-of pesticides in our food supply.

As a result, the U.S. saw a 53% increase in farmer’s markets
between 2008 and 2011. In addition, community farms, co-ops and rooftop gardens are sprouting in suburbs and cities nationwide. The USDA reported that sales of locally grown food reached an astounding $7 Billion in 2011, an increase of approximately 45% in just three years.
The demand for fresher, safer food is gaining significant momentum in this country, with families, schools and restaurants choosing to make smarter, healthier choices.
Edible Farms is the simple answer for access to fresh, local, healthy greens and herbs—without ever leaving the supermarket.