Guys I have no personal agenda to run the pps down the action of the top management will do that just fine on their own. Look at it from my point of view I saw an oppurtunity that might work to my advantage buy selling most of my shares and I did! The pps might go up Monday I don't know it is the market that decides that not me. My wife and I have doctoral degree and make over 400k per year, I don't need to scam anyone here for money. I do quiet well without pennies stocks. I own many penny stocks and do really good at making money here so don't think I have a agenda other thankless a move I think will benefit myself by selling. I told an oppurtunity to sell on a promo after reading the cramp Joseph sent to SEC the day before, that all I did period. By the way yes obviously I would probably re enter but not until this SeC cramp is cleared up just smart investing on my part.. Don't let emotions determine you investment strategy!