The reson why I love the IHUB board: I saw this c
Post# of 43065

The reson why I love the IHUB board:
I saw this coming from a mile away. loanranger makes up some conspiracy theory, without any evidence whatosever backing it up and without any logic whatsoever, and despite batting a big fat ZERO out of thousands of conspiracy theories, when I offer him just one possibility that would explain where his conspiracy theory went wrong, my daring to even question his baseless conspiracy theories is met with:
>>> just one of your conjured up "realities"? <<<
lol lol lol lol lol
Gotta love it. Any rebuttal to a baseless conspiracy theory must contain proof, or the baseless conspiracy thoery stands on its own, even though 2,374 out of 2,374 baseless conspiracy theories have been proven to be bullshit.