Top Science News April 15. Seasonal Patterns
Post# of 63704
Top Science News April 15.
- Seasonal Patterns of Tropical Rainfall Changes from Global Warming Revealed
- Cholesterol Increases Risk of Alzheimer's and Heart Disease
- Plant Protein Shape Puzzle Solved by Molecular 3-D Model
- Surprising Findings on Hydrogen Production in Green Algae
- New Training Package Could Help Doctors Cut Rates of Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes
- Bad Decisions Arise from Faulty Information, Not Faulty Brain Circuits
- Shifts in Physiological Mechanisms Let Male Bats Balance the Need to Feed and the Urge to Breed
- Brain Development Is Guided by Junk DNA That Isn't Really Junk
- Titan's Methane: Going, Going, Soon to Be Gone?
- NASA-Funded Asteroid Tracking Sensor Passes Key Test
- Fish Prone to Melanoma Get DNA Decoded
- Medical Researchers Implant Telescope for Macular Degeneration
- New Light Shed on Traumatic Brain Injuries
- No Evidence Drugs, Vitamins, Supplements Help Prevent Cognitive Decline in Healthy Older Adults
- Excess Vitamin E Intake Not a Health Concern, Study Suggests
- Electroconvulsive Therapy Can Restore Quality of Life for Some Severely Depressed Patients
- Invasive Kudzu Bugs May Pose Greater Threat Than Previously Thought
- Photons Run out of Loopholes: Quantum World Really Is in Conflict With Our Everyday Experience
- Laser Liposuction Melts Fat, Results in Tighter Skin
- Nonsurgical Treatment Turns Back the Clock, Shrinks Enlarged Prostate
- Skin Cells Turned Directly Into the Cells That Insulate Neurons
- Musicians Who Learn a New Melody Demonstrate Enhanced Skill After a Night's Sleep
- In Sex, Happiness Hinges on Keeping Up With the Joneses
- Our Futures Look Bright, Because We Reject the Possibility That Bad Things Will Happen
- Taste of Beer, Without Effect from Alcohol, Triggers Dopamine Release in the Brain
- Blue Tits Provide Insight Into Climate Change, Bird Study Shows
- Following a Western Style Diet May Lead to Greater Risk of Premature Death
- NASA and JAXA's GPM Mission Takes Rain Measurements Global
- Where Are the Best Windows Into Europa's Interior?
- Update: Comet to Make Close Flyby of Red Planet in October 2014
- Ocean's Future Not So Bleak? Resilience Found in Shelled Plants Exposed to Ocean Acidification
- High Glucose Levels Could Impair Ferroelectricity in Body's Connective Tissues
- Picture This: A Dramatic Drop in Wrong Patient Errors
- Tulip Tree Reveals Mitochondrial Genome of Ancestral Flowering Plant
- Mathematics Provides a Shortcut to Timely, Cost-Effective Interventions for HIV
- Tourist's Trust Is Based on Social Media and the Web
- Teachers' Assessments Not Always Conducive to Fair Education, Researcher Says
- Ten-Year Follow-Up of Physical Activity Among Adolescents
- Color of OLEDs Can Now at Last Be Predicted Thanks to New Modeling Technique
- The Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: Two Years On, the Fallout Continues
- Personalizing Prostate Specific Antigen Testing May Improve Specificity, Reduce Biopsies
- Vitamin D May Reduce Risk of Uterine Fibroids
- Strong Urban Cores Promote Socializing in the City