Oak Ridge Annual Cleanup Report. http://www.ucor.
Post# of 1536
Oak Ridge Annual Cleanup Report.
(Control + F "Mercury" = Mercury appears 55 times in this report)
"Mercury Reduction Planning and Remediation Projects"
The Mercury Reduction Project was initiated in FY 2012 to facilitate reduction and lessened mobility of mercury at Y-12. Subprojects under the Mercury Reduction Project included Outfall 200 Conceptual Design, Secondary Pathways, Free Mercury Recovery, Mercury Soils Treatability Study, and Disposal of Five Tanks. Physical actions on The Mercury Reduction Project began in May 2012. Efforts will continue into Fiscal Year 2013.
"Mercury Contaminated Soils"
A treatability study for mercury-contaminated Y-12 soils started in FY 2012. The treatability study was initiated to define treatment options and available disposal options for Y-12 soils contaminated with mercury. Mercury-contaminated soil samples from EU-9 were shipped to three laboratories for treatment. In addition, the treatability study began identifying post-treatment disposal pathway and regulatory requirements for the soils. Each of the laboratories used a different treatment methodology for stabilizing mercury in the soil matrix to ensure the mercury could not leach out of the soil. If the study proves successful and is approved by the EPA and TDEC, treated soils may be disposed of in an environmentally sound method at a lower cost than is currently possible for disposal of untreated soils. A mercury-contaminated soils treatability study report will be produced that captures the results of all of these activities in FY 2013. "The board said funding levels of $470 million to $500 million would allow DOE Oak Ridge to address mercury contamination in East Fork Poplar Creek and disposal of uranium-233 from Oak Ridge National Laboratory more quickly."