$PSGR As of March 21, 2025, share price is a stagg
Post# of 1528

on March 21 as 100 shares @ $0.024 each were traded. After almost THIRTY YEARS of Pershing Resources (and its formers company names) existence, one might think that the trade might have been a bit hasty! DANG!!! This Stock Puppy might have jumped to $0.0245/share and the Trader could have purchased a brand name bubble gum.
According to past Press Releases, the mines/claims locations are alleged to have some metal ores in the ground. Whether the ores are high/low grade or 'No' grade precious or base metals has become almost irrelevant because nothing of common share investor value has been produced and sold. Is there truly value to the mines/claims? Will mining activity start any time this Century? Are High Dollar Investors or Joint Venture Partners in the future? Will the mines/claims be sold outright? Who knows???? Press Releases have been missing in action for a looooong period of time. Is anything at all going on with this puppy or will everything remain a mystery? Who knows???...only the people at Corporate Pershing Resources may have the answers. Maybe they have answers that will not please common share holders. Then again, after Almost Thirty Years of no mining production of value to common share holders, the answer could be self evident.
I remain reluctant to believe but hopeful that an answer that benefits common share holders will be forth coming and share price will increase dramatically.