Further interest in PEMF stimulation of Vagus Nerv
Post# of 8150

Evaluating PEMF vagus nerve stimulation through neck application: A randomized placebo study with volunteers
I. Jerman,M. Škafar,J. Pihir &M. Senica
Received 06 Sep 2024, Accepted 30 Jan 2025, Published online: 19 Feb 2025
"The findings of this study underscore the potential of PEMF therapy as a non-invasive method for vagus nerve stimulation through neck applications, presenting a novel avenue for managing sleep disturbances and anxiety. The distinct effectiveness of different PEMF frequencies (6 hz, 16 hz, and 32 hz) highlights the importance of frequency-specific responses in autonomic system regulation. Notably, the 16 hz frequency demonstrated the most substantial improvements in sleep quality. This is also important from the reason there are so few relevant scientific publications reporting positive PEMF effects on sleep disorders."
"The differential impacts observed across frequencies in our study suggest that PEMF may interact with the autonomic nervous system in a complex manner that varies with frequency, potentially offering tailored therapeutic strategies for individual needs. The absence of invasive procedures and the low occurrence of adverse effects with PEMF contribute to its attractiveness as a therapeutic tool, particularly for patients who are either unresponsive to conventional treatments or seeking less pharmacological interventions."