$BLGO Green Micro Caps Article - Why Investors are
Post# of 35919

Before the News
Recently, the trading volume and price for BioLargo (BLGO: OTCQX) shares have been on the rise. The company has consistently provided progress reports as it developed and fleshed out its’ commercial technologies. Investors who take the time to understand the significance of what the company is doing are finding confidence in what they expect to happen in the near term. The heightened activity is fueled by expectations of major news on four fronts that could and should dramatically shift the trajectory of BioLargo’s stock. With each catalyst converging, the potential for rising share prices increases as the company advances.
Our treasure chest is filled with inspiring young companies that have innovative solutions to address a clean, low-carbon environment and to provide disruptive technologies to make life better
Why Investors are Buying BioLargo Shares
Before the News
Recently, the trading volume and price for BioLargo (BLGO: OTCQX) shares have been on the rise. The company has consistently provided progress reports as it developed and fleshed out its’ commercial technologies. Investors who take the time to understand the significance of what the company is doing are finding confidence in what they expect to happen in the near term. The heightened activity is fueled by expectations of major news on four fronts that could and should dramatically shift the trajectory of BioLargo’s stock. With each catalyst converging, the potential for rising share prices increases as the company advances.
Distribution Deal with a Global Medical Supplier
One of the most anticipated events is the nearing of the finalization of an agreement with a major player in the medical supply industry. BioLargo has invested over $2,000,000 in the last year and their manufacturing partner, (Keystone Industries, as announced by the company) has invested over $5,000,000 in preparation for the launch of this product into a muti-billion-dollar industry. Dennis Calvert, BioLargo’s CEO has been on record with this deal as the company has been preparing to deliver large scale production to support the deal. Once manufacturing capacity is ready, then the relationship is expected to proceed. When finalized, everyone should be quite excited because this deal should bolster BioLargo’s valuation dramatically.