Post# of 8150

BIEL IS THE NEXT AMAZON /APPLE (in terms of ROI)! It's LESS THAN A PENNY AWAY - SOOO close! When BIEL hits .01, the return on investment for a .0003 buy will be greater than the 10-year ROI (>3,000%) for Amazon and Apple (Microsoft is ONLY 900%). BIEL can hit copper in IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, as $1.5 annual revenue (or a $400k quarter) should do it (due to BIEL's extremely low operating costs and business model). There are many indications that this will be accomplished soon, if it hasn't been already! We know that Taiwan, the VA, South Africa and Bulgaria are in progress, as is RecoveryRx-Veterinary in Europe (with the USA pending). Canada is expanding, New Zealand sales start March 1 and hopefully Australia will soon follow. These new revenue streams should be in addition to the $700k+ earned in each of the past two years.
pps > .001 after management drops some positive hints. The Golden Cross (already achieved) and Blue Sky Breakout will get the technicians/chartists/Reddit crowd attention and the pps out of the trips;
pps > .01 after management drops some positive hints that convinces investors that break even/cash flow positive (annual rev = $1.5 mil) will be achieved, combined with the momentum from a 2021 like OTC run (fueled by the Reddit crowd);
pps > .04 after pr indicates the annual revs from Taiwan (in progress) can be valued at $10 mil+;
pps > .08 after pr indicates the annual revs from the VA (in progress) can be valued at $10 mil+;
pps > .12 after pr indicates the annual revs from RecoveryRx Veterinary (pending) can be valued at $10 mil+;
pps > .16 after pr indicates the annual revs from new contracts (distributors, partners, New Zealand, etc.) can be valued at $10 mil+;
Above pps values are based on P/E = 100
For P/E = 200, pps = .32
For P/E = 300, pps = .48
pps > $1 after loans are paid off and a stock buyback is initiated.
CATALYSTS (Details):
$1.5 million annual revenue (or a $400k quarter) = break even, cash
flow positive: PPS = .01.
Q3 2021 was BIEL's only profitable quarter ($22,381) with $414,700 revenue (including $100k+ in covid relief funds). Profitability is very close. Seems like $1.5 million annual revenue (or a $400k quarter) should do it - and the corresponding pps should hit .01 - then increase .01 for each additional $2.5 million annual revenue (P/E = 100).
Taiwan looks like it will be the first catalyst. There are over 80 public hospitals and over 400 private hospitals in Taiwan. They have national health insurance and are rated the world's number one health system.
Assume 100 Taiwan hospitals order 100 Actipatch/RecoveryRx per month @$100 each for BIEL:
$100 x 100 hospitals x 100 x 12 mo = $12,000,000 rev/year.
Using profit = $10 mil and P/E = 100: PPS = .04.
Note: RecoveryRx Veterinary also appears to be in play in Taiwan.
1000 Veterinarian Clinics (USA):
Conservatively assume each office orders 10/mo. @ $100 each for BIEL (Vet sells for $200, a bargain compared to Assisi):
1000 x 100 x 10 x 12 = $12,000,000 rev/year.
Note: RecoveryRx Veterinary also appears to be in play internationally.
There are over 1,000 VA facilities in the U.S. Conservatively assuming 100 VA hospitals order 100 RecoveryRx per month ($100 each for BIEL):
100 x 100 x 100 x 12 = $12,000,000 rev/year.
Sub-total for VA + VET = $20 mil and P/E = 100: PPS = .08!
TOTAL (Taiwan + VA + Veterinary + applying the tax loss carryforward):
pps = .12 (P/E = 100)
pps = .24 (P/E = 200)
pps = .36 (P/E = 300)
Additional revenue could be generated from new FDA clearances, vagus nerve patent, NPA, UK/Australia contract rumor, RecoveryRx Veterinary international sales, New Zealand, etc. Initiating a stock buyback program after all of the loans are paid off would propel the pps much higher (pps = $1).
1) The nearly 25 billion shares outstanding is large but not a problem. It is irrelevant as it is accounted for in the VALUATION (pps) - 25 billion shares @.0002 = $5 million is the same valuation as 1 million shares at $5/share. FULL STOP
The stock market is all about valuation (outstanding shares x pps) - you buy if you think a stock is under-valued and sell if you think it is over-valued. Only amateurs/newbies do not understand this. Right now, investors feel BIEL is fairly valued between $5-7.5 million, but if news develops where investors feel $1 billion is fair value, you will see the BIEL pps rise accordingly (pps = .04). Apple and Amazon will soon have billions more shares outstanding than BIEL (and nobody is concerned)!
Some have tried to dispute this - without success - always changing the subject to dilution. BIEL has not diluted significantly in many years, and there is no indication it will in the future.
The low pps is actually an advantage at this point, as it makes BIEL affordable to any investor. If you have $1,200 to invest, would you rather own 6 million shares of BIEL or 1 share of O'Reilly Auto Parts? The Reddit crowd would definitely choose BIEL.
2) BIEL's valuation is currently $5 million (for revs of $715k last year), which is undervalued compared to stocks (like SERV and QUBT for example) with billion-dollar valuations but only half of BIEL's revenue. FULL STOP
When people become aware of the benefits of PSWT/PEMF and the huge multi-billion-dollar drug free pain management market - that desperately needs FDA cleared Actipatch/RecoveryRx/RecoveryRx Veterinary- BIEL will SOAR!
3) BIEL has been in business for over 20-years and NEVER done a reverse split, which is VERY IMPRESSIVE!
4) Supply/Demand - the majority of the outstanding shares are in tight hands, so the pps will move up like a rocket after ignition, as the supply of available shares will be less than the demand (SQUEEZE!). Shareholders can help fuel the blast off by locking up their shares with "good until cancelled sell orders" (@$1) so their shares cannot be borrowed by the short sellers, thereby further reducing the supply.
Everything is falling into place just like 2021. BIEL GONNA RUN LIKE 2021! This is one instance where savvy investors do pay attention to "history". The technical indicators come first - the Golden Cross has been achieved and the Blue Sky Breakout is on the horizon. Then the fundamentals kick in (Taiwan, VA, Veterinary, New Zealand...). Hopefully, the Stanford Carpal Tunnel Study will show the same excellent results as the Italian study that Hawk shared with us a few days ago!
The last bull run to .0088 started at the end of January 2021. The previous runs in 2017 and 2014 were also in the same time frame. Will history repeat itself - COPPER BY SPRING?
The past BIEL runs coincided with OTC bull markets, like the one that we are in now, as confirmed by Robinhood (favorite for OTC investors) stock outperforming Goldman Sachs (institutional favorite) 150% to 30% over the past few months.
RISK/REWARD = .0001. BIEL has the best risk to reward ratio on the market - by far! Minimal downside risk = .0001/ huge upside potential = $1. LOW RISK/HIGH REWARD!