This blog is not perfect, but in life nothing is .... but this discussion site on CYDY is about as perfect as you're going to get I rate it 9.5/10. Where else are you going to get many people (such as Ohm20 willing to share info. These folks that monitor this site have a tough job to monitor the banter. It's not all black and white. I got a comment deleted once, but then I realized it was pure speculation. If anyone is unhappy here, go to yahoo CYDY..... you won't last a whole day. Before I came here two years ago, that was my source .... but now you can go thru 20 comments and nothing about CYDY. It's beyond horrible ....I believe anyone who wants to vent any frustration do it on Yahoo (CYDY)..... no one will listen. Take away the moderators here and we become a toilet (open sewer like yahoo).