Today, I placed a $1.00 sell order on all my share
Post# of 8110

So, there you have it. I believe a significant deal will be announced. CEO Kelly has alluded to such on at least 2 occasions and I believe she is true to her word, despite what the bashturds say. When? I don't know. I have NO insider knowledge. My conclusions are my own based on public, easily acquired, freely available information. I am doing what I can w/ what I have to improve the odds. I strongly urge all of you to do likewise.
BIEL SHORT SQUEEZE COMING! Courtesy of Golden Cross:
How Market Makers are naked short selling stocks known as Cellar Boxing:
Crunch time is here. All the pieces are in place, IN MY OPINION. The following quote I have used as my signature sign off for quite a while and for good reason. It is true. We need all hands on deck to be vigilant, educated, courageous, and enthusiastic.
Quote:Hope for the best, Prepare for the worst. Adapt - Improvise - Overcome
THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
"Sic parvis magma" - Greatness from small beginnings
All the best, WBeacham